View Full Version : Please help me - scared I'm dying

23-10-17, 00:59
I have been ill now for four weeks approx. Extreme tiredness, generally not feeling myself stomach issues and I'm growing increasingly petrified I'm now laid here convinced I have a serious illness. I've tried iron tablets as I suffer with anemia but my tiredness isn't getting better I am petrified to go to the Dr which isn't like me. I have came off my citalopram (stupid I know) but I'm trying to tell myself that's what is causing these symptoms. I'm getting so distressed. Please help me try and calm myself.

23-10-17, 01:03
You came off your meds unsupervised or prescribed.... Nuff said :(

Positive thoughts

23-10-17, 01:10
Can this cause extreme tiredness and upset stomach for this long?

23-10-17, 01:12
Between that and your anxiety having the opportunity to ramp back up it's intensity, yes....

Positive thoughts

23-10-17, 01:14
Thank you for taking the time to respond it means more than you will ever know

23-10-17, 02:07
Don't worry too much if you've just come of tablets these things are common. I have had a cold now for 3/4 weeks and it's making me feel so unwell and awful :(

Hope you're feeling better soon

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23-10-17, 04:21
Especially if you came off cold turkey. I took over three months to wean myself off my meds and still suffered side effects.

23-10-17, 04:29
don't assume things, which came first the anxiety or the symptoms? if you're truely feeling unwell go to the doc, it may be something that can be fixed quickly and you will be glad you went.

23-10-17, 09:23
Hello. Coming off your meds can definitely do that. Just to check - you have been diagnosed by a doc with anaemia? I only ask cause a lot of people (myself included) automatically reach for iron supplements when they are fatigued "in case it's that" but they can have negative side effects including insomnia if you don't need them.

23-10-17, 21:24
Hi, I have been diagnosed by the Dr with anemia. I feel a little calmer tonight. Thank you all for taking time to respond. My partner recently had helicobactor which I previously had and his symptoms did mimic mine a little. I'm trying to remain calm and pluck up the courage to go to the Dr.

24-10-17, 09:06
My girlfriend is anemic, she gets dizzy, nausea, shes even fainted. but her doctor says shes fine, just recommended iron supplements.