View Full Version : esophageal/pharyngeal spasms

15-06-07, 21:38
The Dr told me today I have esophageal/pharyngeal spasms but he does not know what is causing them.

Has anyone ever had these symptoms along with a pressure feeling in your ears and excess saliva? My jaw and chin and under my chin feel like I am sucking on a lemon...that real tight feeling.

Please post if you have these symptoms with anxiety or panic attacks.

16-06-07, 04:27
Hi ThreeBee

I'm sorry that ure having this trouble, I have never heard of it, so I 'googled' it, not a good thing to do normally!! Did the doctor give u anythng for this? There was a post about 2 weeks ago, sorry I forget who it was from but they had excessive saliva, perhaps they have the same thing. You can do a search for this post.

Sorry I couldn't be of any help. I hope you get it sorted soon.

Take care


16-06-07, 04:32
Hello only me again, lol

I just found the post, it's by miss motown post is called 'very watery mouth am i on my own with this one' under health anxiety dated 9/6/07.


16-06-07, 08:44
Hi Elspeth, Ive been having the same thing since easter.Im sure that its globus, the lump in the throat, due to anxiety.Type in lump in the throat there are loads of posts. love Imogen

17-06-07, 03:11
Yes its called tmj.. happens to me constantly everyday.. GOD i didnt think of it but reading all these post on here makes me know how much I put up with everyday .Yes nothing fatal but aggrivating.. Hang in there you will get used to it and maybe your doctor or dentist can help you with some sort of mouth support to keep you from sleeping and dislocating your jaw at night .I do this all the time with nothing and well wake feeling exactly like you do..At first thought it was altitude after that knew it wasnt..It will be ok.. Good luck and God bless and just ask about TMJ..its miserable sometimes..