View Full Version : new sleep problem

23-10-17, 11:09
I have suffered from chronic anxiety and fibromyalgia for many years, i had assumed i have experienced all the symptoms, and tnow a new one has appeared at least i hope its a symptom

I have started waking early morning between 4-6 accompanied with a strong and fast heartbeat although not overly fast roughly 86-100bpm also a strange eeling in th chest almost a tingly tickle sensation, internet searches have induced cyberchondria and now im convinced i have or in the process of having congestive heart failure, if anyone has experienced similar symptoms i would love to hear from you if for no other reason than to put my mind at rest or tell me to seek medical advice one or the other

thanks for taking the time to read


23-10-17, 12:20
Hiya Kris well I don't have HA but know how bad it is for those who have it :) Have you had a diagnosis to this effect? Many like you (so you aren't the only one) will Dr Google this sadly only adds fuel to the already raging fire and makes it 100 times worse. So a little tip try and resist googling your symptoms ;) So heart failure I do doubt this as 86 BMP's isn't high it's just your HA getting a grip on you. As for tests will this really help you Have you had tests in past done? If you haven't by all means go but will you believe the results? if you do fine many HA sufferers don't also ask you dr for help with your HA as there is help out there :) I wish you well ATB

23-10-17, 12:56
thanks for replying bigboyuk i appreciate it, i was diagnosed as having chronic anxiety in 2008 so a long time ago......i have had two ecg's one recently and one a year or so ago, the most recent one was all clear and thats what im trying to focus on....i try so hard to resist dr google but its so hard when you need answers almost immediatley


23-10-17, 15:22
Kris that is exactly what you should be focusing on now yeah it's not easy when you are looking for answers but Google is not the place for that if you manage to resist you are breaking the cycle which is good thing, So for now focus on your last ECG result and you wont go far wrong :) ATB mate