View Full Version : Some Prozac side effects

23-10-17, 13:55

Just thought I would post something after having come off being on Prozac for 5 years and finding that things I thought were just "me" were actually side effects from Mr Zachary (as I used to call it). As no other variables changed during this time, the logical conclusion is that the following were side effects from the meds.

(I used to take 20mg every morning btw).

I got a lot of heartburn, in the evenings in particular. Could be very painful. This stopped within 3 or 4 weeks of being off the meds.

Had restless legs every night - this was very annoying, particularly as meant I took ages falling asleep. This stopped 4-6 weeks after stopping the meds. I now maybe have it about once or twice a month and very mild in comparison (and I suspect this is just my anxiety).

Got very hot and sweaty every morning - even in the middle of winter I would be dripping with sweat about an hour after taking the pill. This would last for about an hour or so and then I would be ok for the rest of the day. This stopped about 3 or 4 weeks after being off the meds.

So if you are on this, and have any of these symptoms, it is probably the meds....

Prozac worked well for me for a long time. I then came off it, and 4 months later realised that was a mistake. Tried to go back on but had terrible side effects to the extent the doctor made me stop cold turkey. Then I tried citalopram for a couple of months, but that was terrible too. So am now on nothing. Struggling, but surviving. I suppose one positive is at least I don't have to come in to work every morning with huge sweat stains on my shirt :winks: