View Full Version : Can anyone convince me this is just anxiety

23-10-17, 19:13
I just feel so bad. Pretty much my only symptom is an overwhelming feeling of dread and despair. I feel like I can't possibly not die from my perceived health problems, or get back to how I was. I don't get physical symptoms of anxiety. No panic attacks, no shaking, no feeling like I'm having a heart attack. Just slightly raised heart beat sometimes, and occasionally leg tingling. I have no appetite and am now only 8.5 stone at 5'9" tall. I can't cry. I'm too scared to cry.

Occasionally, I'll have moments of relief. I don't even know what prompts them. Sometimes they seem random, sometimes diazepam seems to help... sometimes it doesn't. In those moments I can convince myself that it's just anxiety and I might be ok. Sometimes when the dread fades I feel other emotions like sadness and anger. I welcome them because they're better than dread. Then I can sometimes cry. But before long the dread consumes me again.

I tried the CBT4Panic website but it just made me feel more anxious because it seems so far detached from my experience.

It's so bad that I can't function. Clinical psychology doesn't seem to be helping. I do nothing all day. I don't go out. I don't see anyone. My mother has to look after me.

How can I have gone from a normal, happy person two months ago to this at the flip of a switch.

How is this just anxiety. Please can somebody help me.

23-10-17, 19:18
Real life professional help would truly be your best option. This is an anxiety website and while it's cathartic to write out your fears and comforting to know you're not alone in feeling the way you do, it's just not a substitute for real life help.

Positive thoughts

23-10-17, 19:23
Real life professional help would truly be your best option. This is an anxiety website and while it's cathartic to write out your fears and comforting to know you're not alone in feeling the way you do, it's just not a substitute for real life help.

Positive thoughts

I'm seeing a clinical psychologist. It feels hopeless though. I'm scared to go onto an SSRI because I'm very short sighted (-7.5) and I know they can increase eye pressure. I'm scared I'll get glaucoma. Plus I know SSRIs can make you feel worse at first. And I just can't imagine how I could deal with that.

Everyone else seems to fit more neatly into boxes. They have panic attacks, they have anxiety, they have depression. I have no idea what's wrong with me. Has nobody else felt this way? Am I really the only one?

23-10-17, 19:35
I'm seeing a clinical psychologist. It feels hopeless though. I'm scared to go onto an SSRI because I'm very short sighted (-7.5) and I know they can increase eye pressure. I'm scared I'll get glaucoma. Plus I know SSRIs can make you feel worse at first. And I just can't imagine how I could deal with that.

Everyone else seems to fit more neatly into boxes. They have panic attacks, they have anxiety, they have depression. I have no idea what's wrong with me. Has nobody else felt this way? Am I really the only one?

What does your psychologist feel about you posting on the forum? Also, there are many options for medication. Perhaps it's something to discuss with your GP.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

23-10-17, 19:38
Why is your mother looking after you? Wouldn't you feel more in control of things if you didn't have to depend on anyone?

23-10-17, 19:39
Everyone else seems to fit more neatly into boxes. They have panic attacks, they have anxiety, they have depression. I have no idea what's wrong with me. Has nobody else felt this way? Am I really the only one?

I think I know what you mean. I understand the overwhelming feeling of dread and despair and I just want the old me back. The online CBT courses don't touch the sides. They don't get at how I feel inside. I'm not scared of panic attacks. I don't need to be walked through them. I went to a few psychiatrists, expecting to delve deeper, but they just got out their prescription pads. The one psychiatrist I did click with told me I had too much insight and he couldn't help me. What?!

I've almost given up hope of someone understanding me, let alone being able to help. I feel completely on my own with it.

23-10-17, 19:40
Why is your mother looking after you? Wouldn't you feel more in control of things if you didn't have to depend on anyone?

I was independent for a month and a half but was just getting worse and worse. I just couldn't do anything. It got to the point where she intervened. I've always been functional, independent, social, high performing at work until now.

23-10-17, 19:42
I think I know what you mean. I understand the overwhelming feeling of dread and despair and I just want the old me back. The online CBT courses don't touch the sides. They don't get at how I feel inside. I'm not scared of panic attacks. I don't need to be walked through them. I went to a few psychiatrists, expecting to delve deeper, but they just got out their prescription pads. The one psychiatrist I did click with told me I had too much insight and he couldn't help me. What?!

I've almost given up hope of someone understanding me, let alone being able to help. I feel completely on my own with it.

But you understand yourself, melfish and can take responsibility for your mental health.

23-10-17, 19:45
I think I know what you mean. I understand the overwhelming feeling of dread and despair and I just want the old me back. The online CBT courses don't touch the sides. They don't get at how I feel inside. I'm not scared of panic attacks. I don't need to be walked through them. I went to a few psychiatrists, expecting to delve deeper, but they just got out their prescription pads. The one psychiatrist I did click with told me I had too much insight and he couldn't help me. What?!

I've almost given up hope of someone understanding me, let alone being able to help. I feel completely on my own with it.

Thanks for sharing melfish. That gave me a tiny lift, brought tears to my eyes for a second. I'm sorry of course that you're suffering but I can't help but feel relieved that maybe somebody feels something like I do.

I feel like a fraud too because nothing very bad has even happened to me. The miscarriage was more complicated and traumatic than average, yes, but plenty of women have traumatic miscarriages. Plenty of people go through far worse than I have. And yet they cope.

23-10-17, 19:55
That's the thing with mental health issues, though. They don't neatly correspond to how many traumatic things have happened in our lives, so you shouldn't be hard on yourself about that. Look at how many rich and famous people, people with seemingly charmed lives, have mental health problems.

Perhaps trying an SSRI wouldn't be so bad. Your doctor may be able to give you a bridging medication for a few weeks while you adjust to it. I wouldn't worry about glaucoma. It's not a common side effect, and you're young. Maybe you could just get your pressure checked occasionally, to put your mind at ease. Talking to your GP is a good idea though, as you are obviously hurting right now.

23-10-17, 19:58
That's the thing with mental health issues, though. They don't neatly correspond to how many traumatic things have happened in our lives, so you shouldn't be hard on yourself about that. Look at how many rich and famous people, people with seemingly charmed lives, have mental health problems.

Perhaps trying an SSRI wouldn't be so bad. Your doctor may be able to give you a bridging medication for a few weeks while you adjust to it. I wouldn't worry about glaucoma. It's not a common side effect, and you're young. Maybe you could just get your pressure checked occasionally, to put your mind at ease. Talking to your GP is a good idea though, as you are obviously hurting right now.

I think I might. I could have regular eye pressure checks. I've always tried so hard to avoid drugs, apart from diazepam occasionally. I hope it would help me.

23-10-17, 21:54
What are you doing while at your mothers? I know you're older now but maybe you can relax colour, bake, a small hobby instead of spending nearly every hour on here (I've noticed you're on here a lot) :(

You really need to work along side the psychologist also no googling that will not help, you need to help yourself or it won't work, you could spend 1 hour getting help but if you come back online and google it won't help.

If you don't like the idea of medication speak to them about different things you can do

I know you feel down and depressed but honestly staying in 4 walls everyday will make you worse even if it's a walk to the shop it's something.

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23-10-17, 23:41
Have you had a full panel of bloodwork done to look for perhaps some hormonal imbalance (thyroid maybe?) or nutritional deficiency that could be causing your mood change?