View Full Version : cant take much more

28-11-04, 16:51
Hi all, its me again yet more problems sorry. Well as I said I have been on Ticyclic antidepressants for years but really low dose and my physiatrist recommended I try SSRI’s as I my anxiety returned last November and seem really bad at first but had some better days between. When I first started the SSRI. (four weeks last Friday) I had a few baddish days and a few side effects but nothing to worry about. But now after 4 weeks I cant remember feeling so bad for years, when I wake I feel I cant stand it anymore don’t know what to do with myself. Feel to ill to get up and to shaky and scared to stay in bed, the feelings are really evil. Yesterday and today was really bed when I woke I couldn’t stop shaking, feeling depressed panicking tight chest and hard to breath and really Ill. I didn’t know whether to take my Prozac but took one and also took an atavan, which acts like a vallium to calm you down. I really don’t know if this is withdrawal from stopping the Ticyclic meds or effects from starting the ssri? Because I was made to believe I wouldn’t get withdrawal from the tricylic as I replace them with the ssri. Has anyone ells had such bad effects of starting ssri meds even after 4 weeks? I thought the effects were earlier than this and things would start to settle by the 4th week. Sorry for my problems but it feels like I am going really mental and like at times I cant take another minute. I am feeling so ill the past few days I cant even manage my little outings in car with wife to the local shops. Thanks all Vernon xx

28-11-04, 18:22
Hi vernon,

Sorry to hear you're feeling so rough at the moment.

I can't really comment on the SSRIs, as I've only lasted a couple of weeks on them. My body does NOT like them. But for the tricyclics, I came off them very naturally in the end, and there was no side effects that I was aware of. When I had tried to come off them before then, I suppose the only withdrawl symptom that I was aware of was becoming depressed again. I suppose the combination with the heightened anxiety that SSRIs can produce could be having an effect. Has anything else happened to notch up the anxiety levels?


28-11-04, 18:31
hey Vern,

I can't say whether or not the way you are feeling is because of your old meds or your new ones. We all react differently to all of them. Maybe you should go have a chat with the doctor...

Sarah :D

28-11-04, 19:27
thanks both, maybe thats it not withdrawral but return of symtoms after stopping tricyclics. and maybe the prozac hasnt kicked in yet. and as for doctor sarah none of them listen where i go, they just say wait and ask my shrink. but if i feel like this no way will i be able to travel to see shrink, cant remember feeling this bad lets hope its a few off days thanks Vernon

28-11-04, 22:37
I, too, started on an SSRI (Sertraline) 4 weeks ago last Friday---though, unlike you, I hadn't been on anything else before. I have anxiety & panic attacks.

For the first couple of weeks I had some, what seemed to me, very weird side-effects---teeth clenching, major panic attacks, & felt almost manic at times, as if I'd got three people's adrenalin! In other words I felt MUCH worse!

Then it seemed to level out & I calmed down & felt much like I did before I suffered from the attacks (this all started quite late in life for me, I was 54--55. I'm now 56).

Obviously we are each of us different--but maybe it is the coming off one type of anti-dep & starting another of a different type.
As Sarah said, you should ask a doc for advice if this continues.

I hope this is just a "few days blip" & you feel 'better' soon.

Linda. xx

28-11-04, 22:55
thanks linda i am 56 too in januarylol. yes the depression seems so bad in the morning maybe same as u side effects just a little later,

29-11-04, 10:34
Hi vernon,
Sorry to hear that you're feeling crappy. If I'm not mistaken, prozac can take a while to get in your system and start working, so maybe it's not side effects that you're having. It may be that the prozac hasn't quite taken effect yet, allowing your feelings of panic to return. It should only be short-lived until the prozac kicks in properly.

If you're in any doubt though, go straight back to the doc's, as you may find prozac just don't work for you. Different med's for different people.
I personally, didn't find prozac a great help. I was on them for 8 months as I suffered with post-natal depression after the birth of my son.

As you know from your reply to me the other day, I was prescribed citalopram last week. STILL haven't plucked up the courage to take one though! My doc told me citalopram is good for anxiety/PA, so thats always an option to ask your doctor about.

Give yourself another week or so, and if you really can't take it, go back to your doctors and see if they can try you on something different.
Hope you're feeling better soon Vern.

09-12-04, 00:43
Hi Vernon,

Just wondered if you are feeling any better? Have the SSRI's 'kicked in' & have the side effects subsided a bit?

Hope you aren't feeling as bad & are coping better.

Linda. xx