View Full Version : Update, making progress..

23-10-17, 23:20
Hello all, I've posted a couple times about stabbing pains everywhere, neck problems, and lymph node problems. I wanted to share my update. Went to my primary doctor today, made her feel every bump and actually look in my ears and throat. She told me that yes, she found a couple raised nodes. They are soft and not worrisome but she believes it could be allergies or the start of a virus or something.
She believes my neck problems have been stemming from my TMJ and jaw clenching/tension.
I had her check in the ear that has a small bump behind it and also had pressure in it, she said there is a back up of fluid behind my ear drum. So she is referring me to an ENT and he will be calling to set something up within a couple of days.
She says my anxiety could be playing a huge role in a lot of it and I'm being put on a low dose medicine to give it a trial run and I will go back to her in a month.
She didn't say much about the armpit or groin shooting pains except that she didn't feel any raised nodes.
My blood tests were sent to the wrong doctor which is why I hadn't heard back but they got faxed today and she said everything looks good so she wants to have the ENT take a look just as a second opinion and because she knows it will make me feel better.
I'm hoping I will be able to sleep better tonight knowing the chances are smaller for it to be something crazy with the newly found information but I'm still worried about the ear and nodes. Hoping it's just a small infection..
I will try to keep updating on this post so I don't start any more new ones. But thank you to the ones who have been on here offering kind words, without you, I wouldn't have been able to hold myself together much longer. If anyone has had a similar experience and can offer some kind words to help me get through all of these doctors appointments, i would really appreciate it!
Have a great day, everyone!