View Full Version : TMJ fueling anxiety

15-06-07, 22:14
Does anyone here suffer from TMJ, or TMD? Where the jaw bone isn't set right and can cause teeth grinding etc? I've gotten bouts of that and have had one for the past few weeks all on my left side and although I logically know its there, my mind automatically wants to think the worst. It makes my throat feel tight, it makes the left side of my tongue feel sore and swollen, my left ear hurts, teeth on left side hurt. Okay, I know some of the teeth on that side aren't in the greatest shape. But it doesn't hurt when I eat. Or drink hot or cold, its a more constant pain. Not the worst I've ever had it, but of course knowing that doesn't help the panic over it. Its there just enough to keep me reminded of it. Its usually not there when I very first wake up in the morning. I've been to an ENT when the symptoms first occured a few years ago who said my tongue, throat and ear looked just fine. I know I've had this before, and its gone away before. I know it came on after a very stressful situation. I know the symptoms are being fueled by the anxiety and visa/versa. Anyone else get this?

15-06-07, 23:04
loads of posts about it so use the search facility and u will find them.

Happy reading.

16-06-07, 01:25
it is amazing to me just how many areas of our body are affected by anxiety. i think there is a direct link between tmj and anxiety. i have had tmj and it has radiated all the way up into my head and made me think i had a brain tumor. it can be excrutiating.....but fairly harmless....i mean not life threatening or anything ....just painful and the pain truly can show up all over your upper body......i think alot of it may be from tension like stiff new and jaw and even teeth grinding when we are not even aware of it. sorry you are suffering with tmj. i think there is little treatment for it...there are some mouth guards and stuff oyu can wear...

16-06-07, 15:13
Yes when my anxiety is bad my TMJ flares up. I once had it so bad I could hardly open my mouth.

17-06-07, 18:38
I actually read someplace that people with TMJ are more likely to suffer from anxeity than those without it. I guess the constant discomfort just triggers the body into a fear response.
I did a search for TMJ and it came back with no matches.

18-06-07, 10:48
The reason why people with TMJ also have anxiety is generally because anxiety causes TMJ - it's not the TMJ that causes tooth grinding and jaw clenching but the anxiety, and the tooth grinding and jaw clenching weaken the cartilage that holds your jaw in place until it starts to click in and out of joint - TMJ. I saw an oral and maxillofacial sugeon about my TMJ for a while and he was great, he gave me a specially fitted bite appliance to wear that prevented me from clenching my jaw and it cured the TMJ. I still get it a bit now but that's because I can't wear the bite appliance over my braces :). I highly recommend it anyway!