View Full Version : Could it be chronic fatigue syndrome?

24-10-17, 14:00
I'm really doubting today if my symptoms can all be psychological in cause. I am experiencing extreme waves of fatigue. I can feel ok for a period of a few hours, sometimes almost normal, then this wave of crushing fatigue comes over me. I feel complete and intense brain fog, total lack of energy and like I just can't go on. After maybe an hour or so it will lift again and I'll feel somewhat better for a bit. Often the evenings are much better and I can feel almost normal only for the fatigue to come back in full force the next day. I have no idea how I can continue to work full time being this unwell. When I'm feeling better for a while I convince myself that it will be ok then when it comes over me I feel like I can barely speak. It's awful and I just am at my wits end.

24-10-17, 18:17
I've been reading about CFS and apparently the main difference between that and depression is that people with CFS feel worse when they exercise and people with depression feel better so I guess I need to start exercising and see what happens.

25-10-17, 01:12
Hi cattia,

If you can point to starting the Sert when this all started, I wouldn't judge it until you come off that and are on a stable dose of the new med. It could just be how that med is affecting you and how you are not suited to it, hence why your GP wants you off it.

I know what you mean though. I've been having fatigue on a daily basis for a long time too. I've wondered about CFS but I doubt it's severe enough for that in my case. In the past I've also wondered aboiut bipolar because my moods where swinging but I found I could counter it by taking high strength omega 3 (been much better every since) and I traced the swings back to when I started my latest med so bipolar would be unlikely.

25-10-17, 01:48
Your symptoms sound very real but mood disorders can be a major factor. The best test, as you say, is how you feel after exertion, both mentally and physically. People who suffer with CFS can also experience a lot of pain due to muscle fatigue, and over time, tender points which can overlap with fibromyalgia symptoms.

Have a read of this thread re CFS. I'm sure the member wouldn't mind you sending PM either.


25-10-17, 08:19
Thank you all. I'm just feeling like I'll never be well again right now. A couple of months ago I wasn't like this. My anxiety was bad but at least I could still function day to day. I'm unsure whether I really even want to go on prozac. The only thing that gives me some hope is remembering when I went through a bout of bad depression in my twenties. I think there were similarities with what I'm feeling now. I don't remember feeling sad then, and I don't now, I just feel an intense lack of motivation and a desire to hide away from everything. I do seem to remember that my low mood would come in waves then too but I think maybe it was more consistent then. I'm going to try some exercise to try and prove to myself that it isn't chronic fatigue but also I'm afraid to in case it does actually make me feel worse!