View Full Version : Mirgraine with arua

24-10-17, 14:47
Hi was just wondering if anyone who suffers anxiety has migraine with arua but no headache I've had it now 5 years started when I was 40 it's scares me into panic which I'm already suffering and now I won't go out on scared if it happens while our

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24-10-17, 14:54
I sometimes get migraine aura and vision problems without headache - or sometimes the headache comes an hour or so later. Drink plenty of water because dehydration can be a trigger.

24-10-17, 14:58
I sometimes get migraine aura and vision problems without headache - or sometimes the headache comes an hour or so later. Drink plenty of water because dehydration can be a trigger.Hiya thanks for reply I drink 2 litres a day as I only drink water not sure if sinus play a part as if sinus bad it seems to happen then again hormones too haha are your aura always the same or different I've had zig zag and flashes for 20mins and then other times a shimmering spot for 2-3mins so just wandered if they can be different

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24-10-17, 15:53
I see small triangles and zigzags like you. Flashes of light too sometimes. It was really unnerving when this all started many years ago and I'm pretty sure anxiety makes it worse. It doesn't faze me any more though. I don't drink as much water as you but should really.

Do you find sudden noises sets off the flashes of light? I sometimes get the flashes when I'm drifting off to sleep too. Most annoying :lac:

24-10-17, 15:59
I see small triangles and zigzags like you. Flashes of light too sometimes. It was really unnerving when this all started many years ago and I'm pretty sure anxiety makes it worse. It doesn't faze me any more though. I don't drink as much water as you but should really.

Do you find sudden noises sets off the flashes of light? I sometimes get the flashes when I'm drifting off to sleep too. Most annoying :lac:I don't when drifting off but I nodded off on sofa and then was woken up suddenly and then had a bright dot for a couple of minutes and brighter when I looked at phone screen or tv or light

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05-11-17, 18:47
Hiya can any one who suffers migraine let me know if you can have a silent migraine with arua and then another migraine another time with pain and no aura

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