View Full Version : Stress exagerating anxiety

Keep going
15-06-07, 22:18
Would you say stress can increase your symptoms of anxiety. The type of stress i had was, in the space of six months. I changed jobs, moved house twice, long hours of work, had a car accident, high pressure job and then somebody died. Would you say this would have increased my anxiety.


15-06-07, 22:27
Hi Stu

Sounds like you have had plenty to worry about hun ! i would definatley say going through as much as you have would increase your anxiety.

Have a hug from me !:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


15-06-07, 22:49
Ummm yes BIG time!

All these add to the stress

16-06-07, 15:59
oh definetley stu,
stress does many things i know believe me,you been thru alot im sure thats why ya having anxiety......wish ya the best........Linda

18-06-07, 00:42
Hi stu,
i would definitely say stress can increase anxiety and panic attacks also.I am going through a very stressful time at the minute and my anx and panic is through the roof...its crap...

Love to you,Candie xxx