View Full Version : CHEST PAIN - Back to square one.. Anyone Relate?

24-10-17, 23:17
So, Ill give you a brief indication of my previous posts again...

So Guys... Ive Suffered From General Anxiety Disorder and Depression for 8 Years:weep:

And believe me guys, when i have the flu or a cold, i believe im at deaths door! :huh:

But the past 2 months has been a distraught experience.

I started to feel light-headed around October 2015, just in general, i thought i was worn out as i had been working 40+ hours a week, but i enjoy my job, it aint strenuous work, im sitting down alot so i dont get worked up, although it can become high pressure mentally. One night in late october, i started to suffer chest pains (sharp) in my abdomen and left chest (under my nipple). It was so intense i went to the ER. I was assesed and given an ECG and all results came back normal..

So i put it off.. then the 3rd week in December i started to experience chest pains :( then along with the chest pains came pain in my Left Arm (Wrist, and a dead feeling in my left tricep and shoulder) so i went to see my GP, who listened to my heart and took my blood pressure. He assured me he didnt think it was heart related, but wanted to rule it out. So i was given a full blood test, biochemistry bloods and another ECG. All returned normally.

I once again put it down to anxiety. I struggled over xmas, started to feel ok.. then New Years Eve. All The Symptoms came. Left Chest Pain, Left Tricep Feeling Heavy, Left Wrist Shooting pains, Left Ankle Feeling Heavy, Left Leg Shooting Pains, Left Upper Jaw Shooting Pain (What Would Not Go) :(

So i once again went to ER. They checked me over again, did an ECG. Came back normal. 2016 has me full of worry! once i was assessed i was taken to a GP onsite who assured me my heart was ok. and that it was all down to Anxiety/Stress

Im just wondering if any of you guys have suffered with similar symptoms as i am describing?

I Could really do with some advice from you guys or anyone who has knowledge of these symptoms?

Thankyou guys

Its now 2017... ive been able to manage my anxiety quite good... untill two weeks ago.

Now... Im really struggling to get out my head that this is "The Mind Playing Tricks"

I now only have chest pain. The problem now is, the chest pain is central, and it comes not only at rest, but also at exercise..

The feeling this time is NOT sharp... its like a "dull ache" feeling, lasting from seconds, sometimes minutes onto half an hour... it comes and goes... also makes me feel very lethargic, and sweaty.

I have been to A+E so many times, to the point i feel like an absolute dickhead when they send me home, but they are right... there is nothing wrong.. and they send me home and i recover weeks later and have a good few weeks..

My problem now is that the chest pain is really aching, also moving into my neck and back... and being the wonderful idiot that i am... ive found DR GOOGLE :/ (i know i know..) ... hence ive had to come back on this wonderful website to try and get some advice or if anyone has suffered similar dull aches in there centre of the chest lasting.

I know i dont post often, but NMP seems to be the only place i feel i can go, i feel if i go to A+E i would be wasting NHS valuable time but it is really intense pain and so deep its worrying me...

Sorry if ive made any spelling mistakes, just i dont feel anxious daily or stressed, sometimes i am tired .. but when im relaxed this pain is coming on intensley, also coming on while doing boxing training...

Thanks for any support or anyone who replies..


Ash J
24-10-17, 23:45
Hey there,

I can certainly relate, I suffer with chest pain on a daily basis, sometimes the pain can be very intense and causes me to really panic. I've been told by a few Drs they didn't believe it was heart related, had too many ECGs to count which always come back normal...I'm still none the wiser what causes such intense pain, I really don't feel it can be anxiety. The pains come from nowhere which gives me anxiety which gives me skipped beats which then makes me worry further about my heart thus feeding the anxiety more.

It's very exhausting living with this to be constantly worrying about these horrid sensations. You are not alone mate.

24-10-17, 23:55
Thanks for your reply ash mate, it just feels so deep and real right in the middle of my chest ... Very scary as it is an aching feeling and I also have back pain :( thankyou for your massage buddy.. hope I feel better soon and hope you do too :)

25-10-17, 00:00
It's better to come here than A & E if you feel these chest pains aren't anything.

I am going through my own chest pain issues. Backstory- I was just diagnosed with asthma after a year of off and on chronic cough, with some wheezing, voice changes, etc. My problems do get better with meds, though this time I can't get them to go 100%, but they are improved.

So about 2 weeks after getting diagnosed with asthma, I end up with chest pain. THis started 12 days ago, to be exact. The pain is not like yours but comes with inhalation. I *think* it is pleurisy, but the pain is mild.

I did see my family doctor who was very dismissive of it. Mumbled something about costochondritis, although I don't think so because there is no pain when I push on the rib so then switched to pleurisy that she said was caused by coughing (although my coughing is so minor right now, I can't imagine that could be the cause of this).

So, it's 12 days on and I am waiting for it to go away. I feel like it might be improving, but I can still make pain come on at the one spot in my chest when I breathe in deeply. I also feel it sometimes when I move, occasionally when I cough or sneeze.

I will also say, I have felt pain migrate. There have been times when I have felt a sharp pain in the middle of my chest (my sternum), although that is much more occasional. I have pain in my elbow, had pain in my shoulder (now gone), today I have pain low in my rib (very far from the site of the pleurisy pain).

All of it is a total head trip. I am a cancer-a-phobe. The cough was worrying me bad enough. I was coming to terms after them asthma diagnosis, but this chest pain is a ginormous setback!

I feel like I am in a very similar situation as you- feeling this pain, not knowing what it is, but just waiting for it to go away. That is what my doctor recommended, after all.

I think you should go to your doctor as soon as you can, not Emergency, and stop googling. NOthing good comes of that. If you feel the pain worsen, that's when to consider whether this is an emergency, but it doesn't sound like you're there!

25-10-17, 00:05
If it is any consolation, I turned out to have loads of heart issues, and no symptoms what so ever. Getting them sorted, but in my journey I have learned that chest pains--while they should always be taken seriously--have a million sources.

Definitely stop googling, and try to keep yourself distracted.

25-10-17, 00:11
It's better to come here than A & E if you feel these chest pains aren't anything.

I am going through my own chest pain issues. Backstory- I was just diagnosed with asthma after a year of off and on chronic cough, with some wheezing, voice changes, etc. My problems do get better with meds, though this time I can't get them to go 100%, but they are improved.

So about 2 weeks after getting diagnosed with asthma, I end up with chest pain. THis started 12 days ago, to be exact. The pain is not like yours but comes with inhalation. I *think* it is pleurisy, but the pain is mild.

I did see my family doctor who was very dismissive of it. Mumbled something about costochondritis, although I don't think so because there is no pain when I push on the rib so then switched to pleurisy that she said was caused by coughing (although my coughing is so minor right now, I can't imagine that could be the cause of this).

So, it's 12 days on and I am waiting for it to go away. I feel like it might be improving, but I can still make pain come on at the one spot in my chest when I breathe in deeply. I also feel it sometimes when I move, occasionally when I cough or sneeze.

I will also say, I have felt pain migrate. There have been times when I have felt a sharp pain in the middle of my chest (my sternum), although that is much more occasional. I have pain in my elbow, had pain in my shoulder (now gone), today I have pain low in my rib (very far from the site of the pleurisy pain).

All of it is a total head trip. I am a cancer-a-phobe. The cough was worrying me bad enough. I was coming to terms after them asthma diagnosis, but this chest pain is a ginormous setback!

I feel like I am in a very similar situation as you- feeling this pain, not knowing what it is, but just waiting for it to go away. That is what my doctor recommended, after all.

I think you should go to your doctor as soon as you can, not Emergency, and stop googling. NOthing good comes of that. If you feel the pain worsen, that's when to consider whether this is an emergency, but it doesn't sound like you're there!

Thankyou so much for your reply Mate, really appreciate that. Yeah I mean it was at its worst earlier today after I done some shadowboxing, I mean I am very very unfit! But it eased then came back on at 10pm, so I took a codiene and it has relaxed me a little but the pain is still bothering me. What is making me feel more at ease is that I can now pinpoint the pain. (Which i couldn't do before it was so widespread) so that's helped me relax a little. I'll definitely be back at the GP, here in the UK though it could take weeks to be seen.. lol

---------- Post added at 00:11 ---------- Previous post was at 00:10 ----------

If it is any consolation, I turned out to have loads of heart issues, and no symptoms what so ever. Getting them sorted, but in my journey I have learned that chest pains--while they should always be taken seriously--have a million sources.

Definitely stop googling, and try to keep yourself distracted.

Thankyou Lofwyer. Sorry to hear about your heart issues.. very shocked to hear you had no symptoms though. Get well soon. X

25-10-17, 00:46

If it really takes that long, can you cal the office and talk through it with a nurse or someone?

That's what I did when my pain showed up, and they told me to come in for a visit that day. Maybe yours can gauge urgency better than yourself or strangers on the internet, you know. Chest pain is chest pain and, even though it is often nothing, it is one of those things they say to check out.