View Full Version : light headiness 24/7

25-10-17, 08:52
Morning I have light headiness 24/7 and am debating whether to stay in bed as it affects me when i am standing up,and I am so fed up ,every day is a battle until I go to bed,I keep going out like it but I feel worn out,anyone else feel like this

25-10-17, 09:05
I can totally relate to this, everyday for months I've been lightheaded to the point I avoid going out. I am still working but it's a struggle and I am worn out from trying to carry on. I do get times in the day when it's better but then it will be back again.
I really don't know how to overcome it. Everyday I wake up hoping it will be gone but it always comes back.:lac:

25-10-17, 09:13
Thanks Helenclaire for your reply,I have had this on and off for 30 years and when I get this I am ashamed to say that I can never cope with it.

25-10-17, 09:26
Hi Aquilega,

I too suffer from constant light-headiness which goes alongside what I would describe as head pressure which makes me feel off-balance and unsteady. Am due to see a nueurologist but think it is down to tension / anxiety - at the weekend I felt fine, now back at work unhappy with both the people and environment feel terrible and each day is a chore to get through.

When feeling bad I would describe walking as feeling as if am on a bouncy castle or a boat - does this sound familiar ?

25-10-17, 09:53
Hi Crispy yes my friend exactly that ,if I had a pound for the times I have said in the past that I have had enough of this I would be a millionaire ,and I get tinnitus with it that doesn't help .

25-10-17, 10:17
I put my anxiety down to my workplace, in the office am surrounded by some typical cliche characters - a gossip, loud-mouth, know-it-all and slacker. Have agreed to go to our Christmas do but don't really want to, in fact I can't actually wait to be away from some of the people.

Will be searching new employment in the new year, am well qualified but lack confidence and self belief. Maybe you can identify the root of your anxiety ?