View Full Version : I probably have melanoma now...

25-10-17, 18:53
This will never end will it? I noticed yesterday a spot on my arm that looked dark red. I at first thought that it might have been a cherry hemangioma, but the more I thought about it, I realized that I think that is where I had a mole before. Suddenly, it's a darkish purple red color now.

I am going to see my GP this coming Monday, and I already know that I'll be sent to a dermatologist because it's probably melanoma. What I don't understand is that someone at my age (24), and who never goes out in the sun would be diagnosed with melanoma. This is the point I always have to make because no matter what, it seems that every possible thing that could go wrong in my life is. I have full time work and full time school, I am scheduled within an inch of my life, and I have to pile on extreme financial anxiety about paying for all of my bill from school and elsewhere, and now I pile on my health anxiety. This is getting to be too much for me and I seriously wish I was never born...nothing in my life goes okay. :weep:

25-10-17, 19:01
Diagnosing yourself and wallowing in fear and anxiety over something you clearly have not had diagnosed with nor have? Predicting your future and all the difficulties you might encounter? Taking a page from another recent poster are we? ;)

Let us know what they say...

Positive thoughts

25-10-17, 19:37

I hope this photo turned out okay, this is what it looks like.

25-10-17, 19:42
Sorry but you are totally over reacting.

That in no way looks like a death sentence to me.

25-10-17, 19:43
That's not melanoma!

25-10-17, 20:08
Then what would cause a completely normal brown mole to turn into a dark red mole?

25-10-17, 20:10
Irritation. Minor infection.

None of us can know for certain. It doesn't look remotely like melanoma, though.

Best of luck with your appointment on Monday.

26-10-17, 08:06
I used to have huge, huge fears over melanoma. When I look back to how bad I was, I can hardly believe it. It was when my health anxiety was at its worst.

I do understand how you feel though, I used to spend hours every night checking my body for moles. I had lots of CBT and it really helped.

The photo you posted doesn't look worrying to me, I have loads of weird looking moles and they are all ok. I am pale as well and have been sunburned a few times! I am still here :)

Hope you get on ok with your doctor :)

09-04-18, 05:53
How'd it go with the whole melanoma thing? What does your mole look like now?