View Full Version : Hello

28-11-04, 18:20
Thought I had better introduce myself, the newbie of this forum! I am a married woman with 3 children - one in the army and two at home. I no longer work outside of the home due to health problems which include Panic attacks, depression, GAD and spinal problems. Latter one been the newest addition to the ails!
I have managed to adapt to my inability to work - apart from missing the comaraderie and social aspect (I still get very lonely and frustrated at feeling that way [Sigh...]). I now utilise my time making dolls and anything else craft related that interests me. I then sell my work in several outlets. This gives me a reason to get up in the morning sometimes and a better feeling of self worth.
I have been a diagnosed sufferer now for nigh on six years, but looking abck I believe the problems really started when my youngest was born 8 years ago.
I have survived and almost conquered agrophobia and am proud of myself for that. I can now actually go out in the car and to the shops by myself to more of an extent than I could a few years back.[Yeah!]
At the moment I am taking beta blockers , sleeping tablets, the dreaded Seroxat, excess caffeine and nicotine to cope with life.
I am looking forward and desperately wanting to come off the medication but everytime I try the withdrawal symptoms kick in. I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has managed to come off Seroxat and the beat blocker Propranolol. I don't mind taking some medication and do not see it as a weakness like I used to. But this cocktail of drugs appears to have lost it's power to relieve my symptoms now after the 3 years of usage. I fail to see the point of taking a drug that has 'proven' potential nasty sideeffects long after initial use.
Due to my spinal problems - a totaly non existent last disc, I am now having to take large amounts of pain killers and I worry about all the drugs I take.
Anyway - this is me and I look forward to meeting more forum members and deeming advice from these pages, the kind of advice you can only get from fellow sufferers.:D

28-11-04, 18:29
Hi Aytonangel

Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you have been doing really well at facing up to and overcoming your issues. You have a really positive attitude which I am sure is hugely beneficial.

The people here are really friendly and I'm sure you will get a lot of help and support.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

28-11-04, 18:33
Hiya Karen

Nice to meet you - thanks for the quick reply.

I have just reread my introduction, sounds deadly serious doesn't it?

I'm not really honest, I just never know what to say when you come across these introduction things. I do have a tendemcy to babble on once I start [8)].

28-11-04, 18:36
hello there,

Welcome to the forum!! You seem to be coping really well so a big well done to you!! You are doing the right thing by keeping busy as it's when we let our minds wonder that we feel the anxiety the most. I'm sure you will revceive loads of support here.

Sarah :D

28-11-04, 19:08
Hi Aytonangel,

Welcome to the site.

There are lots of nice people here
who will help and support you.


In order to secceed, we must first belive that we can.

28-11-04, 19:55
hi a angel
welcome to nmp you sound very positive
youy have come to the best site for anxiety issues and you will get all the help and support you need
xx david

28-11-04, 20:32
Hiya aytonangel and welcome to the site. I to was offered seroxat a few weeks ago by a shrink, but after reading up decided not to take them and gp gave me some prozac in place of them. i too had been on meds for years untill i started prozac 4 weeks ago i had been on tricyclic antidepresants for years. i to had very bad agrophobia years ago and last year the symtoms seemed to return with bad anxiety (i was clear for over 10 years). and for withdrowral I stopped drinking alcohole last november after drinking heavy and daily for about 40 years and yes the withdrawrals where bad to say the least, ( i think its this that brought my anxiety back. doc gave me some vallium to help cope with the bad part of the withrawrals which i didnt take for long as not to get addicted to them. I also have 5 kids, oldest in the army too and only 3 left at home now. if u like a chat why not pop into our chat room one night? someone is usualy there after about 8 30pm, and great to see new faces. take care and welcome to NMP Vernon

28-11-04, 20:34
oh by the way the address for the chatroom is
cya take care Vernon

29-11-04, 13:06

Welcome to the site, and feel free to babble on all you want. :D


29-11-04, 14:42
Hi aytonangel,

Welcome to the site

You have done really well... Seroxat can be awful to come off but if you don't think its helping you any more then its worth perservering.

Have you already found http://seroxatusergroup.org.uk

Think their discussion forum is not in use but the links stand .
You can lean on us instead if you do decide to start decreasing again.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

30-11-04, 00:32
Oh you are all so very kind!![:X]

I have thought about my luck of finding this site all day - sad huh?

It's so nice to be around people who understand how you feel for a change.

Thanks very much all

30-11-04, 07:53
Hi angel, and welcome.
Sorry to hear how much you are suffering, but sounds like you are keeping fighting :)

The craft thing sound good, and you are selling them too .. smashing.

It is good to have this site isn't it, we are very lucky :)
Fraid I can't help with the meds problem but I'm sure some people on here can.
Good luck, and nice to have you around,

30-11-04, 15:38
Just to echo two sentiments - babble away all you like and, yes, isn't it great here? I only found the site yesterday and it is becoming my latest addiction. Maybe it can replace the alcohol..........

Good luck, aytonangel

Yet, freedom, yet thy banner, streams like the thunderstorm, against the wind.


30-11-04, 22:25

Welcome aboard. Sorry to be in late to welcoming you aboard.

Hope to hear more from you.
