View Full Version : Gentle yoga excercise set me back in recovery?

26-10-17, 09:11
The last couple of months I've been feeling and doing great, and I thought that the worst time with my panic and ha is already behind me. My fitness levels are super low at the mo, so I decided to go back to excercising, and last night I joined a yoga class for the first time. We did a very gentle set of excercises and I felt good directly afterwards.

After the excercise I couldnt fall asleep, and later at night I woke up at 2, after just 1,5-2 h of sleep with the all too familiar feeling of a racing heart, pain in my arms and legs and a bout of diarrhoea. My feet and hands were swollen and a normally loose slippers felt too tight.

I stayed in control enough not to be sent to the panic mode immediately but I couldn't fall back asleep. I ended up counting and breathing to a bag for hours to calm myslef down. Around 6 I managed to fall asleep again, only to wake up after an hour and decide to finally go to work.

When I left the house and walked 50 meters to my car the symptoms suddenly got worse. I was out of breath, started to feel heat waves going through my body and my heart was racing like crazy. I had to turn around and go back home due to anotherbout of diarrhoea... I seriously thought that I might get a heart attack... After sitting down at home I felt better, and manged to go to work but the feeling is not gone.

I'm having a terrible morning right now. I feel shaky, on the verge of panic and ultra tired. And the worst part is that I dont if it was the yoga that caused it or os it something else??
I try to be rational as I felt the sensations before during a panic attack but I still have doubt if it was really panic or if this time it IS a heart issue??

I need some support and a virtual hug really badly now... :-(

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26-10-17, 10:27
Hi! I know how scary panic attacks can be and to me, this does more like panic than a heart issue. I just woke up with many of the same symptoms right now after sleeping for about an hour or two. My initial reaction is to freak out once the racing heart, and upset stomach starts. And it’s that initial anxious reaction that make these feelings stronger or come back. I’ll be in the chat room for a bit if you want to talk.. sending hugs your way!

26-10-17, 10:34
Oh sorry you are not feeling the best, panic attacks for me can come out of the blue and I also had one after Pilates I went home,had a shower and then bingo felt the tingling in my arms and had the usual symptoms I manage mine with breathing and saying a mantra over and over,it seems too help me.
You will be ok.:hugs:

27-10-17, 21:35
Thanks for your support ladies! I managed to concentrate on work in the end, and it was a good distraction although I wasn't really productive.

I tried to take good care of myself. I drank a lot of water during the day, I took a nap and I went for a walk. I slept almost fine tonight even if the anxiety was still present. Luckily I had my psychologist appointment today so I could talk it through. Somehow this little setback made me feel like a failiure... Like I'm failing theraphy, failing with my medication, etc. Sometimes I wish I could switch my braon off...

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---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

Eva, thank you for the offer. I would take it if I'd seen it earlier!

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