View Full Version : Tetanus Fear

26-10-17, 14:54
Hi everyone,

This is my first post here and I am hoping this will help me get over my fear.

Over a week ago, I scratched myself with a nail that was sticking slightly out of my cabinet. It bled slightly and it was not deep in the slightest. At the time, I didn’t think anything of it. I showered after, put Neosporin on it, and called it a night. Well fast forward, four days later I’m telling my parents about how I was annoyed that my apartment complex had a nail sticking out with my mom reacting “you went and got a tetanus shot after, right?” That made me panic because I didn’t even think about it. I made the mistake of googling it and I didn’t get it in the three day period that it was needed and I couldn’t get into the doctors until next week (so it’ll be two weeks after the cut). I do remember receiving a tetanus shot whenever I was about 9 (I’m 24 now)when I rusty nail went through my foot but that’s it’s. Not sure if I received it as a baby and I can’t find out since it was so far back and I have no clue who my doctor was. I remember after reading on it that it usually takes 8 days for the symptoms to set in. Well today is day 8, and my jaw is hurting. I’m just concerned and distressed. I have a history of anxiety and I have a history of having jaw pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, etc. all from extreme tension. I can still move my jaw easily if just “feels off”. I have been trying to rationalize everything that people gets cut all the time from nails, metal, etc. and most probably aren’t up to date with their shots and are still fine. It’s been harder than usual to rationalize this though. Any help or advice would be appreciated!

02-12-17, 14:18
A tetanus shot is good up to 10 years, Also most symptoms develop within 3-7 days so I think you are 100% fine. The pain is probably you over worrying that is creating you to feel that. Since it bled slightly and wasn't deep then the tetanus bacterial more then likely wouldn't of had a chance to develop due to the oxygen. You would have muscle pain as well and cramps and you don't seem to have that! You will be 100% fine :)

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