View Full Version : I can't stand how irrational i am being.

26-10-17, 17:22
Anxiety is a future based fear, something that hasn't happened yet. I've always thought of my anxiety as a kind preparation so IF my fears ever come to reality it won't be so much of a shock. Recently I've been going back through my life looking at things that may have put me in danger of contracting the big C and i really want to stop! I've been worried about plastics of late which is stupid because they are literally everywhere but when i go on websites promoting a 'natural' life the things they talk about make my stomach drop. It's like 'oh no I've worn a pvc skirt once and it's going to give me cancer. I've just now thrown my phone protector in the bin coz i was worried it was made of a bad chemicals.
I make my own deodorant, nearly made myself aneamic by cutting out red meat and spend too much money on posh organic food. I'm sick of worrying about a possible future diagnosis. Im in fairly good condition I exercise, eat okish and drink only ocasionally. Im 31 and don't wont to waste the best years of my life worring about something i have no control over. I've had cbt which helped but as you know anxiety can pop up and say hello at any time. I'm fine today and i try to focus on that but i know it's back there somewhere and i wish it would dissapear.

26-10-17, 17:27
"Im 31 and don't wont to waste the best years of my life worring about something i have no control over. "

I think this is the key here - "something I have no control over." You ARE doing everything you have control over to influence it in a positive direction: exercise, eating well, avoiding obviously bad things like benzene or BPA, etc.

Cancer is something that can happen to anyone even if you take care of yourself and I think that's what makes it so anxiety-inducing for many of us. It's like you can do everything "right" and still get sick.

I think 8 times out of 10 cancer is just something that happens, not a result of anything you did or didn't do. They are definitely trying to figure out why it happens so they can try and prevent cases in the future, but right now there's a lot we don't know.

It's probably not the answer you want to hear, but all you can do is what you're doing already. I have this fear myself and really struggle with it, but I'm doing everything I can just like you are and trying not to obsess over it since it's beyond my control. Sucks, I know!

26-10-17, 17:30
No thanks for the reply. We're all in the same boat.:)