View Full Version : Probably gonna die tonight.....again

26-10-17, 19:40
First time posting anywhere but I'm going off my box with worry. I can't breathe, it feels like a conscious effort at all times. It's been about 6 months with several trips to A&E. After fighting my GP to get a Spiro test it came back at 84% which I guess is within reasonable limits but tonight I'm worse. My whole body is weak. My face is red. I can feel my heart beat in my chest and back. Pain next to my sternum that hurts to touch. My back hurts too. And now it's coming to the point I can't speak or swallow. My voice is hoarse and it hurts my tongue and jaw to swallow. My face muscles keep feeling weak. My large joints are all hurting. This aortic aneurysm (that's what it is tonight) is finally gonna get me. Or lyme. Or any number of autoimmune diseases. Or syphilis (even though I've had n std panel and have no way I could've got it). This has been going on for 10 years now and it feels like it'll be over soon.

Or I'm just crazy. I need some reassurance. I'm scared to sleep and I have work. Again :doh: please help :weep:

26-10-17, 21:39
Hi , I'm exactly the same at my worst times I can't think of anything else other than my breathing and tight throat but I've been like this for 18 months so I guess if it was going to kill me I wouldn't be here right now like you , the mind is real f&@ked up thing when it makes your every waking moment a nightmare ( oh and nightmares when I sleep so it's got that covered ) . Are you generally stressed or worried in life my condition gets worse with stress and I've got that in abundance, when I'm occupied with somthing non stressful and in the moment the tension and breathing problems can subside , distraction always seems the best relief.
Take care .:D

26-10-17, 21:44
It sounds like you have been struggling with this for a long time. I have had anxiety related to health problems for years and been convinced that thousands of diseases have got me. It can be exhausting!! Do you have any supports? A therapist you can talk to about this?

27-10-17, 15:39
Thanks guys. Being distracted does help but it seems to never really go away. I do have actual panic attacks mixes in daily but my life is finally getting better, it's just I'm not.

I don't have a therapist. I'm from the UK and currently there's no provision in my area for a psychiatrists at all and the first line services I've seen try hard but it boils down to questionnaires and identifying thought processes which works for rational people but it failed for me. Just spending every day hoping I get to see the next recently. This has helped as an outlet though so thanks for your replies ��

27-10-17, 18:06
Hey guys, I've had a sore/tight throat due to anxiety for a year now so I can understand how you feel kinda (although going to A&E really does sound horrible).

According to quite a few of the doctors I've seen, these things tend to be caused by muscle tension, which is caused by anxiety so I'm probably going to try getting hold of some muscle relaxers and herbal remedies to help with that. I originally tried looking for things like cramp bark and st. johns wort to help but I can't find them anywhere locally, so I'll probably try taking some magnesium supplements which are apparently supposed to help for now.
Anyway, I'd just thought I'd post this to let you know that you're not alone and lots of other people have been through similar :)