View Full Version : Chest issue scared

26-10-17, 20:13
Hi all, I hope this is ok to post here.

Nearly 3 weeks ago I began experiencing weird sensations in my chest, the location is above the breast area. The sensation feels like someone is squeezing the air out me and makes me feel like I am not getting enough air although I am not breathless I feel like I need to take a deep breath. The feeling can last for minutes to half hour and comes on with no warning and randomly. When I don't have the sensation I feel ok.

I have been to the doctors had an ecg last year for a lone episode I had of a similar feeling and now that the feelings are regular up to several times a day I had another ecg last week which was fine. I go back to the doctors next week.

I am 31, female and normal weight. I am so scared of what is happening and worried it could be angina or something heart related. I do sometimes get twinges of pain and a feeling in my arms but I also get anxiety so sometimes I know this makes things worse. The episodes happen when I am not anxious I could be walking, resting, in bed or doing anything there really is no trigger. My blood pressure was normal at the doctors and my pulse fast though the doctor said it could be because I was at the doctors.

Sorry to go on but if you got this far, thank you for reading.

26-10-17, 20:32
Welcome to my world...

Rest Assured, If it is in episodes what come and go... How would you define the episodes? Discomfort or genuine pain? Do you smoke? Poor Diet?

99.9% of the time, from what i have experienced, and from what other members have too... its never the heart or something serious. But if you are worried, contact 111 and speak to a professional. Do you get feelings of anxiety when the pains come? When im resting i seem to get attacks... very hard to deal with so i know how youre feeling :( Keep your chin up x

26-10-17, 20:54
Thank you for your reply.

I don't smoke and rarely drink maybe a glass or two
of wine a week.

I had an ambulance out last year when I had one episode of it though they couldn't find what it was. I then had no episodes but then 3 weeks ago it came back :(

26-10-17, 21:25
Hi Dave thank you for reply, I just don't understand why it happens when I am not worrying, not anxious and actually relaxing :( even enjoying a glass of wine and it comes or eating breakfast.