View Full Version : Feeling lost just looking for any kind of help

26-10-17, 23:46
First thing first, I had a «*brain tumor*» episode two years ago, It started with a dizzy spell and then I started to get the common symptoms of anxiety : lightheadedness, feeming flushed out, all aroud weird. So I got conviced that I had a brain tumor, had a clean mri checked two neurologist all checked me and said i was just feeling the symptoms of anxiety.

And so I went on with my life, and during this time the headaches I was uses to getting changed and to the usual pressure around the eyes was added sometimes full blown migraines ( on one side) or pains at specific spots on my head. I also still felt sick all the time, my fear wasn’t gone but I went on with my life since my symptoms went away.

Fast forwards two weeks ago, puked on the streets after a fit of nausea on the way to college, went to the doctor he didn’t even do a checkup he just looked at me and he said I had a stomach infection because there’s a pandemic right now. But instead of going away after 2 or 3 days like It should the nausea got steadily worse turning into some kind of motion sickness, I went back to the doctor after a week ( of just nausea, didn’t puke again since) he once again didn’t even get up from his seat and said the one thing i didn’t want to hear «*its probably anxiety*» I went home and just sat there, lost, feeling like puking on the floor. Since then I’ve been feeling worse and worse my motion sickness got horrible I feel like I’m always spinning, my head feels weird and has a constant pain on my left side (which sometimes move to the right) I feel HORRIBLY light headed, like almost like I could fall any second pressure in my ears and behind my eyes (which are now super sensitive and almost always bloodshot red).Right now I’m in bed and the symptoms are making me crazy I’m trying to stay calm but it’s hard to stay cool when you’re spinning in the dark. I wanted to see another gp but now that those neurologist and mri are in my record no one will take me seriously.

So right now I’m conflicted, I feel like I might faint any minutes now and I don’t know what to do, do I call someone (I live under my parents but we have insurance) ? Do I do nothing ? Should I be worried ? Should I not ? I have never felt nausea or this level of light headedness as a symptom of my anxiety before.
I hope someone sees this and helps quick, It would help me greatly.

27-10-17, 01:53
Stay strong. I've been suffering from similar symptoms since august and am not dead yet. If you need support and a shoulder to lean on, my PM box is open. You've had an mri, that should absolutely re-assure you. If you don't think it'd concern doctors, why should you be concerned, ya'know?