View Full Version : Acid reflux heaving and fresh blood

27-10-17, 07:12
Hi has anyone experienced heaving with anxiety in the morning and brining up fresh blood?
I have done it before about a year ago so trying to stay positive but am stressed at the moment and it happened this morning with a fair amount of mucous blood.

27-10-17, 07:40
Hi has anyone experienced heaving with anxiety in the morning and brining up fresh blood?
I have done it before about a year ago so trying to stay positive but am stressed at the moment and it happened this morning with a fair amount of mucous blood.

I am also being sick with anxiety this morning, isnīt it horrible. :weep: Not felt this bad for a few weeks. So sorry to hear someone else is in the same boat. Are you sure its blood? sometimes food comes up red, my sick was dark brown and bitter at first, now its clear mucus.

sorry I canīt be more help but hop you feel better soon. :hugs:

27-10-17, 11:42
Hi thanks for your reply. It’s definately fresh blood, I take lanzoprazole for acid reflux so am hoping it’s something to do with that, or maybe stomach ulcer as had a lot going on last 18 months. I feel ok in myself apart from been ultra anxious past couple of weeks: unfortunately had to have my old dog put to sleep too which has pushed me over the edge.
It’s good to hear from someone else that is sick in morning with anxiety, I have always done it if things get bad, it feels like a release of some sort. I have an appointment at the doctors this morning just to get checked.

---------- Post added at 11:42 ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 ----------

Have been to doctors and he said it’s a tear in the oesophagus called a Mallory-Weiss, not to worry, phew. He said it’s common and should not cause further problems, I willl try not to do the retching thing if at all possible, but I don’t seem to have much control over it when anxiety is bad. Hope this helps others x

28-10-17, 09:23
Hi again.

I am so sorry you had to have your dog put to sleep, but sometimes it is the very kindest thing we can do, no matter how upsetting.

Glad you got an answer so quickly and reassurance about the blood in your vomit. I have to agree, it does feel like a release when we throw up, but only temporarily. Sometimes when I am retching I make myself sick, but yesterday morning no help was needed at all, It was horrible, but just a blip brought on by too much pressure the last week. xx

23-08-19, 22:39
does acid reflux cause bloody mucus blood seemes mixed with mucusi was interested in this post as i gag in the morning i am phobic about being sick so i hold it back i also had my old dog put to sleep 2 weeks ago so i am very sorry you lost your friend