View Full Version : Starting Citalopram / escitalopram soon - any advice?

27-10-17, 10:54
I have (apparently) severe anxiety and OCD.

My symptoms are a bit non-standard. I don't have any physical symptoms and I don't have panic attacks. My only symptom really is constant dread and a very strong sense that I'm going to die soon.

It came on very suddenly, literally in one moment, about two months ago, when a doctor told me I'd need a general anaesthetic. Ever since then I've been non functional - can barely eat, can't work or go out, my mother is looking after me, etc. Before, I was happy, social, and hard working.

Leading up to this I was having a difficult miscarriage and relationship problems.

So, I really really hope I just have some sort of non-standard anxiety / OCD / PTSD. Often, I can't believe that's the case and think that actually I probably am going to die soon.

I am willing to try anything at this point, even though everything seems futile. Do you think Citalopram will help with these symptoms? How long will it take to work? How will I feel at first?

Thanks very much,


27-10-17, 13:09

Have you read the Citalopram guide that is a sticky thread in this forum?

27-10-17, 13:14
I am on escitalopram (lexapro). I have been on it a few times and each time it has really helped me a LOT. Like to the point where I almost feel like a normal person again. It does take some time to start working ... usually give it at least a month at the dose you plan to be on (doesn't take into consideration the time building up to your max dose). I restarted this med a few weeks ago and still struggling a little, but some of that is not related to the medication but just general stress in my life.

You may have side effects, like worse anxiety in the beginning, trouble sleeping, stomach nausea, etc. You may not have any. Everybody is different.

For me it has always been worth sticking through the beginning.

---------- Post added at 08:14 ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 ----------

Also for what it's worth, I have been diagnosed with OCD and general anxiety. I used to have depression but haven't for a couple years.

27-10-17, 16:19
I am on escitalopram (lexapro). I have been on it a few times and each time it has really helped me a LOT. Like to the point where I almost feel like a normal person again. It does take some time to start working ... usually give it at least a month at the dose you plan to be on (doesn't take into consideration the time building up to your max dose). I restarted this med a few weeks ago and still struggling a little, but some of that is not related to the medication but just general stress in my life.

You may have side effects, like worse anxiety in the beginning, trouble sleeping, stomach nausea, etc. You may not have any. Everybody is different.

For me it has always been worth sticking through the beginning.

---------- Post added at 08:14 ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 ----------

Also for what it's worth, I have been diagnosed with OCD and general anxiety. I used to have depression but haven't for a couple years.

Thanks! Hope it helps me too.

17-12-17, 12:50
I'm now on day three of 20mg citalopram and I feel bad. Pretty out of it, nauseous and shaky. My arms and legs are weak and trembling and my motor skills have deteriorated. I also have pins and needles in both legs, particularly the left, and my feet fizz with every step.

The reason I've started these meds is because I'm having a difficult time believing I'm not ill, even though my doctors say I'm probably ok. I think I have either gestational trophoblastic disease following a miscarriage, or cervical cancer. My pelvic symptoms seem to be even worse since starting on citalopram though. Constant tugging or pinching or aching or contracting sensations. Last night I woke up suddenly and was convinced I was going to be diagnosed soon. Like I just knew. I hope that's not real, but it felt very real.

19-12-17, 20:08
The symptoms you have described are very common with many of us when we start citalopram. Heightened anxiety (as you seem to be focusing on an illness you do not have and fearing the worst) i too went thu this, pins and needle feeling, muscle weakness, etc ...I had all of that plus many more, so try and do your best to stay calm. These side effects unfortunately will take a week or 2 to start and diminish. You also sound like you have some pretty bad health anxiety in general. Im in that same boat. Always thinking every little 'odd' feeling spells doom. Just keep reminding yourself these are side effects from the medication and not actually symptoms of anything sinister. Stay strong and try to think positive!

Stu n84
20-12-17, 02:52
Hi,I’ve been on citalopram for around 3 months and can honestly say they have helped me a lot,before I lost my appetite and around 2 stone in weight,couldn’t sleep and lost interest in pretty much everything.Taking citalopram has helped me to start living a normal life,it’s not gunna 100% solve all your problems but will hopefully help you get back to your old self.

Try and remain patient as it will take time for it to take effect,I know from my own anxiety that it can cause all sorts of pains and symptoms but hopefully given time the citalopram will help those disappear like it has for me.Try and keep yourself busy and try to surround yourself with friends and family when possible as they will help keep your spirits up as much as possible,sat around on your own chewing things over in your mind won’t help.

As suggested above the citalopram survival guide on here really is worth a read as goes through pretty much everything you need to know.Hope my post(long winded as it is,haha) is a help,hope you start to feel better soon.

25-01-18, 23:35
Sooo, I did really badly. I stopped after day 4. I know that it would have got better if I'd stuck it out but I honestly felt so wretched that I couldn't bear it.

I felt like I was on another planet, my anxiety was smothering me, my body was tingling, I could hear chinking noises, my head hurt, and I couldn't eat anything without throwing up. I lost pounds. I'm now hoping I can get through this without any medication.

Stu n84
26-01-18, 01:31
Sorry to hear they didn’t work for you,they do need time and patience to be given chance to work but for some the side effects can be unbearable,I was lucky on that score.There are plenty of other meds out there that you could try,one of which may be more compatible for you,hope you start to feel better soon

26-01-18, 01:42
Sorry to hear they didn’t work for you,they do need time and patience to be given chance to work but for some the side effects can be unbearable,I was lucky on that score.There are plenty of other meds out there that you could try,one of which may be more compatible for you,hope you start to feel better soon

Thanks Stu, I'm seeing how I go. I really hope I can manage without to be honest. But if things get really, really bad I might try again on a different med or maybe a lower dosage.

Stu n84
26-01-18, 02:01
I can understand you’re reluctance I was the same to the extent that I was prescribed Citalopram in June and it took me until and took me until October to start taking them,I found it hard to believe that it was anxiety that was causing all my problems as I’d never suffered with it before,starting on them was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made,I was lost before and the meds have helped me think so much more clearly and started enjoying things again,obviously hope you can manage without meds but don’t be afraid to ask a doc to try a different med if you need the help.Only thing meds haven’t helped me with is sleep hence why I’m still on here at 2 in the morning haha,take care

26-01-18, 16:54
Thanks Stu, I'm seeing how I go. I really hope I can manage without to be honest. But if things get really, really bad I might try again on a different med or maybe a lower dosage.

I def feel your pain. I stuck it out on 20mg for 8 weeks, cant even list all the side effects that I had. (Still dealing with some after being off for 3 weeks).

Just with everything that happened when i was on it and seeing how hard it is for others to be on/come off of it i decided to go the natural route.

Im doing CBT therapy online. Also using some all natural supplements. I forget the full name since i dont have it on hand, but its a root extract all natural from gnc, as well as Natural Vitality Natural Calm Magnesium Supplement, both treat stress and anxiety, all 3 in combination have been helping me.

I know its a given, but getting exercise and eating healthy also help. I love working out and it really helps me. One thing i wanted to get done as well was a full panel blood test to see if i was deficient in anything. Which i was pretty low in vitamin D.

My doctor even told me research has proven increasing vitamin D helps with anxiety and depression amongst a whole lot of other things. It was pretty surprising how vital vitamin D is as far as being healthy in general. Im currently taking about 5,000-6,000 iu's daily, and have follow up blood work to check my level again in about 3 months.

With all of this combined, I actually feel really good. Hopefully this post helps and gives you some different avenue's to try before being put on another med. I already made a promise to myself after my horrible experience with cit that i'd never go back on another SSRI, but some of us need it and have no other choice. Be well!