View Full Version : Scared I'm going to stop breathing

27-10-17, 18:21
I've got this feeling before like I was gunna stop breathing like a tightness in chest and the more I focused on it the longer it lasted, but I got the feeling back and I'm panicky, if I distract my self I don't notice it at all and I'm fine, I mentioned it to my psychiatrist and she said it's anxiety, does this sound bad ?

Clydesdale Epona
27-10-17, 20:30
Do you get this feeling after exercise or strenuous activity?
if you get it at random times then its likely it will be down to anxiety x

best wishes :hugs:

27-10-17, 21:32
I've got this feeling before like I was gunna stop breathing like a tightness in chest and the more I focused on it the longer it lasted, but I got the feeling back and I'm panicky, if I distract my self I don't notice it at all and I'm fine, I mentioned it to my psychiatrist and she said it's anxiety, does this sound bad ?

It sounds bad in that it must be unpleasant for you but not in a medical sense.

Hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

28-10-17, 23:06
Do you get this feeling after exercise or strenuous activity?
if you get it at random times then its likely it will be down to anxiety x

best wishes :hugs:

Yah so I play hcokey 4 times a week and i don't get it at all if anything it goes away because I'm not focusing on it

29-10-17, 16:56
I have the same thing which can start for no obvious reason and sounds to me as if yours is also anxiety. If it goes away when you're not focused on it and especially if it doesn't happen after strenuous exercise then this is very likely. You may want to get your lungs/breathing checked medically if you haven't done so.

You need to convince your anxious brain that it's no big deal. Your body knows how to breathe, it doesn't need you checking up on it constantly.

If you haven't looked at cbt4panic.org then check it out. There's tons of great information and specific sections about breathing - eg: in workbook 2 "FALSE ALARM 3 I'm going to stop breathing".

Best of luck with it.

30-10-17, 11:29
Its a very common anxiety symptom with no medical significance you'll be fine

06-11-17, 22:11
I've been feeling like this all day long. I have really bad anxiety today.