View Full Version : Worrying about colon cancer

27-10-17, 19:48
Hi everyone,

This all started about two months ago when I started to have a mild-moderate pain in my lower left abdomen. This pain was constant and then after about a day or two only got worse when I moved around and walked. I went to urgent care after 24 hours and the doctor did a cbc, urine test, metabolic panel and felt the area. He said he could not find anything that worried him and to come back if the pain was still there or got worse to do a cat scan. During this time my stools were normal, only had pain. After about 4 days the pain subsided completely.

Fast forward to now and I have a bloating/full feeling in the left part of my abdomen. I am used to feeling a little full and bloated after eating due to a hiatal hernia, but this was a fullness in the lower left abdomen. Immediately my mind went back to colon cancer. As of now I would 9/10 of my stools are normal, it is only on occasion that I find myself a little constipated or have slight diarrhea with mucus in the stool. I normally only go 1-3 a day, it has been a very long time since I have ever gone more than 3 in a day (had Indian food for the first time). One example is I ate Chinese food for dinner and the next day had some looser stools, which is mostly normal for me. At the moment, I have never seen any blood in my stool, had any very thin, ribbon-like stools, no unintentional weight loss, weakness, or feeling that I need to go more. One thing that worries me is that I have this almost rope like structure in my left lower abdomen. It runs from near my bladder to my hip and it feels hard and is a little tender the more I touch it. I do not know if this is my colon or not and it worries me to feel such a large lump in that area.

I am only 23 and have no family history of cancer, especially colon cancer. My dad told me that the times he has gone to get his colonoscopy, they have never even seen a polyp.