View Full Version : Wine

28-10-17, 07:49
I was invited to drink some wine with a neighbor. Ok will I’ve had this drink before with no issues but today after probably 4ozs i started getting palpitations and it was bad.

Im still going through them. It’s bad.

My heart feels like it’s racing none stop.

I always feel like drinking will lead to kidney damage. With just one night out. Again I’ve had this before with no issue and now this?

28-10-17, 09:44
I’ve never really been a big drinker and it’s defibately something I can give or take. I can go years without having a drink probably because I drink cocktails and you don’t get them in your average bar!! I have a sweet tooth!! But the last few times I’ve had one I’ve had a couple of sips and then my stomach and chest feels very weird like I’ve got a pain and I get palpitations and can literally feel the alcohol going into my blood stream. It’s an awful feeling. Fortunately alcohol plays not part in my life so now I’m tee total and I’ve never had it since.