View Full Version : Dizzyness and fear of it

28-10-17, 09:46
Hi everyone

I'm new to this forum, but not new to the world of anxiety, sadly. I'm 29 and I've had anxiety disorders since I was a kid. I've been in a lot of therapy and I've gotten better. There is, however, this one thing that I can't seem to get rid of.
Above all, I fear being dizzy. Okay, choosing to get viciously murdered or being dizzy is a no-brainer, but on a daily level dizzyness/lightheadedness/vertigo is, to me, the worst thing that could happen to anyone. Being this scared of it, means I spend a lot of time thinking about it and worrying about it, which makes my breathing shallow and makes me dizzy. I know that that's what happens. I've seen doctors and there's nothing wrong with me and I fully believe that.
My problem is that if I were scared of something being wrong with me or maybe scared of fainting, then I could slowly learn that it's just a fear and that it isn't real. I've done this with other fears; I know there's nothing wrong with my heart and have palpitations does not scare me. I know what they are and that they're not dangerous.

But with dizzyness, I fear being dizzy. That means that every single day, my fears are confirmed and I get waves of dizzyness. And then I fear the next day and it happens again.
Thinking back, I've had this my whole life. I never went on the swings, never did cartwheels, never gone on a roller coaster.

I found this website with a guy who had the same fear. He got over it by one day just spinning on a chair, on and on. Even reading that made me sweaty and tense. I've tried getting used to the sensation by turning around on the spot, but seeing as it is the dizzyness itself I fear, I don't get used to it, I just get scared.

I know it isn't dangerous. I know I won't pass out. I know there's nothing physically wrong with my body. But every day I'm scared of feeling dizzy and the slightest lightheadedness can lead to a panic attack.

Also, I'm a teacher, so getting this in front of 20+ kids who are all looking at you, is, well, pretty tough.

I know you can't "fix" me, but I really want to know if anyone else is feeling the same. Maybe the fear of dizzyness or maybe a fear of something that you know isn't dangerous, but you still can't shake. I've done a ton of googling, but this doens't really seem to be a thing. I'd go so far as to call it a phobia of dizzyness that I have.

Thanks in advance to everyone. Lots of happy and calm thoughts to all.

23-11-17, 17:49
You should purposely make yourself dizzy by seeing a psychologist who can perform these exercises on you. This will help you get over the fear. I have had months of dizziness (which was my first fear) and I also have a pre-existing anxiety condition. At first, it was an inner ear thing but now it's continuing so I am not sure whether it's my anxiety or not. All tests are normal so I am assuming it's the rampant anxiety causing this feeling now.