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28-10-17, 10:58
I apologise for the tmi!
My anxiety is really high at the moment and it's taking its toll on my stomach (or at least that's what I hope it is!).
As soon as I wake in the morning, I'm having to rush the toilet and then can go up to another 3 times in the morning, obviously getting looser as time goes on. It usually settles down by the afternoon.

I'm feeling nauseous and having gurgling noises etc and now have started taking 2 Imodium tablets on a bad day which will then lead to 4-5 more 'normal' days until the 2 Imodium pills are obviously out my system and then the cycle starts again.

I have a lot going on at the moment and am very stressed anxious so feeling dizzy/shaky and so jumpy.
What I want to know is if anxiety affects other people's tummies like this without having other bowel conditions (I don't want to name the conditions as I don't want admin to move my post as I want to know how many times the 'normal' person with anxiety has to poo).

Is it 'normal' for anxiety to make you poo frequently and more loose? Thanks

28-10-17, 12:16
Yes. Anxiety can cause diarrhea

28-10-17, 12:49
Thanks, caper.
I know that I would tell others that anxiety can cause this but cannot take my own advice. That's the nature of anxiety, I guess!

28-10-17, 13:41
Hi daisy.

I´m just the same, anxiety goes straight to my tummy and bowels. I am going through exactly the same just now too, but know its anxiety even though I have IBS, its the nerves just now. A couple of weeks ago my stomach was gurgling so loudly I thought it was something outside and put the sound down on the telly to listen, I was most surprised to hear it was actually coming from me ! it made me laugh actually.

Hope we both feel calmer soon, and our dicky tums and bums stop worrying us. xx

28-10-17, 13:52
Totally. Our stomachs/ digestion are very susceptible to anxiety. You get butterflies ( although I don't think that even begins to cover the churning, cramps, knots etc ) then comes the rush to the toilet.
I did read somewhere it's part of the flight/ fight thing....relieving the body of extra baggage as it were :roflmao:

28-10-17, 13:58
I should say I have an ileostomy so I'm constantly pooing ;)

28-10-17, 14:34
I have powders to help my constipation through taking painkillers.
I have to struggle even then.
If am worked up about something (bad news or similar ) cannot get off the toilet.
But normally I go once or twice in the morning.

28-10-17, 15:02
You realize someone will keep notes on this and know how many times members poo? Could you imagine a meet up of members and the conversation?

"Ohhh Daisyflower... nice to meet you. So, are you still pooing 3 or more times in the morning?... " :huh:

Positive thoughts and poo threads

28-10-17, 15:10
:D:whistles::yesyes: Done one today. It's the first thing we talk about in the mornings in our house. Usually behind the toilet door!! xxx

28-10-17, 15:58
One-a-dayer here. Sometimes I go a couple of days without though and then sometimes it's a drain blocker or multiple times.

I find big meals make me run.

Anxiety definitely affects it too and it can just be more need to go rather than the runs.

As said above, purging is a fight or flight outcome. Maybe the weight loss gives the edge in a sprint? Is it part of the warm up for our 100m runners? :biggrin: I've certainly seen people weigh themselves after having one :whistles:

28-10-17, 18:07
Thanks for the replies, everyone :)

My anxiety over my tummy and pooing is getting ridiculous...you know you've crossed the line when your little child finds you looking into the toilet at you poo with your phone torch and asks, 'did you drop something in?' I had to lie and say yes. :blush:

28-10-17, 19:00
Anxiety can give you bad diarrhoea. I used to have 3 💩 before leaving for work when I was at my worst!! It’s perfectly normal to go a lot and it be a bit on the softer side with anxiety. I think it has something to do with fight or flight and your body lightening the load so to speak!!

28-10-17, 19:49
Thanks, Duchess :) I have the type of friends who say things like, 'oh no, that's weird, I'd be worried, you need to go the dr' etc (they don't know about my health anxiety or my doctor phobia) so having somewhere like this where people know how I'm feeling really helps!

28-10-17, 22:30
You realize someone will keep notes on this and know how many times members poo? Could you imagine a meet up of members and the conversation?

"Ohhh Daisyflower... nice to meet you. So, are you still pooing 3 or more times in the morning?... " :huh:

Positive thoughts and poo threads

Don't talk crap, Fish :lac:

28-10-17, 23:21
Don't talk crap, Fish :lac:

Sorry :doh: Poo... crap... #2...It's all just a bunch of crap anyway :shades:

Positive thoughts

28-10-17, 23:44
Thanks for the replies, everyone :)

My anxiety over my tummy and pooing is getting ridiculous...you know you've crossed the line when your little child finds you looking into the toilet at you poo with your phone torch and asks, 'did you drop something in?' I had to lie and say yes. :blush:

Not just me who does this then :blush: I’m the opposite, I usually only go about once every 3 days but I can go up to a week without one :shrug:

au Lait
29-10-17, 00:28
Yeah, it's definitely an anxiety thing. I have a lot of GI issues too. Have you tried a probiotic or fiber supplement? Sometimes those can help. When I saw my doc about my constant GI upset, those were the suggestions she gave me.

29-10-17, 01:28
Thanks, Duchess :) I have the type of friends who say things like, 'oh no, that's weird, I'd be worried, you need to go the dr' etc (they don't know about my health anxiety or my doctor phobia) so having somewhere like this where people know how I'm feeling really helps!

No worries, I know a few people personally who have “anxious stomachs” too! We call them stress poos in our house! It’s one of the most common anxiety symptoms.

29-10-17, 01:58
Yeah, it's definitely an anxiety thing. I have a lot of GI issues too. Have you tried a probiotic or fiber supplement? Sometimes those can help. When I saw my doc about my constant GI upset, those were the suggestions she gave me.

Yes, probiotics can definately help. They certainly help return normal functioning when antibiotics have thrown it off either too much or too little.

29-10-17, 03:55
0-1 on a normal day. Anxiety days can be 2-5 at worst.... not fun

29-10-17, 08:51
Once every two days : )

29-10-17, 12:17
Thanks, everyone :)
I have bad nausea to go with it now, I feel like I could cry :( I wish I could give my mind a rest to see if it subsides :doh: