View Full Version : Lymph nodes have me worried

28-10-17, 20:58
I noticed a tiny lump in my neck in June. I had a cold back then so I wasn't worried about the node. Since then another lump showed up above it and two more on the opposite side of my neck, pretty much parallel to the older ones. None of the lumps are large, the oldest one being the size of a pea. There is often discomfort when tilting and turning my neck to my right shoulder. This isn't usually present in the morning but grows over the day, I'm guessing it's because I keep nervously prodding them. :shrug:

I can't tell if me touching them is keeping them enlarged. I've restrained myself all week from touching them and am now waiting to see what changes. I've been sleeping on my back and exercising every day to see if the neck pain is unrelated to the nodes.

Has anybody else been anxious over their nodes? The whole thing has been at the back of my mind most of this year. It's beginning to worry me because if it really is cancer then I've given it months to spread. I have no money for my doctor so I'm not sure how what to do if waiting it out doesn't work.

28-10-17, 23:18
Has anybody else been anxious over their nodes?

I'll cut ya some slack because you're new but there's three node threads on the first page on the HA section alone. Does that answer your question? :D

Positive thoughts

30-10-17, 07:15
ahhh the good ole node scare, im very familiar just take a look at my thread history lol. but seriously though, the only place to get advice is from your doctor, i've been around and around for a year now and still worry at times. statistically you do not likely have cancer, statistics show that a person under the age of 40 with swollen/palpbale lymph nodes in the neck have a 0.4% of having cancer, over 40 they have a 4% of having cancer, so you see those are pretty low odds. anyways i suggest seeing a doctor before your anxiety really sinks in, don't be like me and wait months before seeing a doc, because by then you will likely have convinced yourself that you have cancer and no matter what the doc says you will likely still believe you have cancer, you will be stuck in a vicious cycle.

08-11-17, 04:01
I went to my doctor today to dismiss my anxieties. I hoped he would dismiss it as nothing or find out I had some kind of infection. Instead I got my blood taken to check my red and white blood cell counts.

I'm waiting on the results to come back and the anxiety is killing me. I haven't eaten in two days and just want to go to sleep until I get get given the news.

Anybody else with lymph node scares get their blood taken? Was my doctor doing this as a precaution?

08-11-17, 08:32
The waiting is the worst, isn't it. I'm sorry. I know that feeling so well.

Personally I'm afraid my doctor just felt my neck node and said it was ok and sent me on my way. However, I'm in the UK so things are different! Your doctor may just be being cautious.

Hopefully everything comes back fine. Statistically, it should do.

09-11-17, 21:23
Thanks for the concern o_o

The neck pain is driving me up the wall. My doctor explained that it could be due to a strain or injury. The discomfort isn't there in the morning, but grows over the day until turning my head is slightly painful. I can't tell if it is coming from the lymph nodes, I'm hoping it's unrelated.

10-11-17, 03:44
I had a similar thing too! I had a swollen lymph node on neck near my ear. Turned out it was from a sinus infection. I took antibiotics and it went down some but it’s still there. I notice that when I touch it more, it becomes more prominent. My doctor also told me a lymph node can take many months to go down and may never go down! I think, like me, once you stop touching it, it will be fine.

Also, mine was sore because I kept moving my head, touching it, straining my neck, etc.

10-11-17, 07:25
Our doctors sounds right jordan. When I asked about my lymph nodes, my doctor told me that some just don't die down completely and then showed me one sticking out of his own neck.

I feel like I've calmed down regardless of what the result is going to be. I doubt lymph nodes the size of peas could be causing my neck to ache anyway, pretty sure my posture is to blame for that.

I'm going to stay off of this computer for a few days and get plenty of exercise and rest. Still waiting on the blood test results, it's insane how long it takes. I feel pretty silly getting worked up over lumps my doctor couldn't even feel but that's H.A for you. :wacko:

10-11-17, 08:22
I used to worry loads over my lymph nodes. I remember finding a pea sized lump on my neck and totally freaking out, I saw the dr and they said it would go away by itself - and it did :) occasionally they swell up, especially if we get colds/infections and stuff. I know it is horrible once you start having the scary thoughts though. They sort of set in and send us spiralling. Hope you feel better soon.

14-11-17, 12:32
My blood tests came back as normal. I received them online with an "OK" next to every level to show that my doctor saw nothing wrong. For the last week I've been pretty calm and most of the time forgot about the issue entirely.

While in bed tonight I felt my nodes again for the first time since my visit. I felt another lump on the right side of my neck, near the other two and just as large. I also think I feel a few smaller ones in the area. Naturally I turned to google and am now just totally confused. I've learned that blood test results are not an accurate indicator, especially in the early stages of cancer.

The lumps in my neck are in the posterior cervical triangle, which is meant to be a common place to find lymphomas. If it IS lymphoma then it has grown so slowly over so many months, and slow-growing lymphomas are meant to be very rare in younger people. What could this possibly mean? Statistically I should be totally fine BUT the lumps ARE there, they're in the right place and I'm pretty sure only more are showing up. I don't know whether to trust the statistics and wait or go with what else I've read along with my gut and go get a second opinion.

I was nervous before but now I'm seriously concerned for my future. I'm constantly swinging between feelings of panic and relaxation. It hasn't been 7 days since my visit and I'm already having doubts I'm healthy.

14-11-17, 13:02
How big are these lumps you're feeling?

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14-11-17, 13:15
They're small. The largest are about the size of peas and can be seen with a little effort. The ones I'm currently feeling are tiny but palpable.

I'm not worried about the size as much as everything else about them. They have been present for months and, if my imagination isn't tricking me, new ones are showing up.

14-11-17, 14:35
They're small. The largest are about the size of peas and can be seen with a little effort. The ones I'm currently feeling are tiny but palpable.

I'm not worried about the size as much as everything else about them. They have been present for months and, if my imagination isn't tricking me, new ones are showing up.

That's the normal size of a lymph node, they're more palpable because you're feeling them more and more and looking for them.

If I looked for all mine I could probably feel them, if you're slim you will feel then a lot easier too you have quite thin skin around the neck also..

14-11-17, 15:36
My blood tests came back as normal. I received them online with an "OK" next to every level to show that my doctor saw nothing wrong. For the last week I've been pretty calm and most of the time forgot about the issue entirely.

While in bed tonight I felt my nodes again for the first time since my visit.

What's in bold is what you need to pay attention to. You're creating your own panic by self examination of something you have no expertise in. STOP POKING AND PRODDING and look into professional real life help for your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

20-07-18, 18:08
Can sometimes feel discomfort in the upper left section of my abdomen, most of the time just under the ribs. I'm worried that it's spleen pain but am not sure. The discomfort lasts a short time and IIRC spleen pain is meant to start that way before becoming worse. Could it just be indigestion?

I've been very calm these last 2-3 months, but now the fears have come back in full force. I'm been up all night stressing over my lymph nodes convinced that I have lymphoma or leukaemia. I have no B symptoms but I know that lymphoma and leukaemia can be present without ANY symptoms. The lymph nodes on the sides of my neck have NOT grown but that doesn't relax me. I've been digging for nodes more than ever and found a few more, none bigger than peas but they terrify me nonetheless.

Tempted to see another doctor and am very worried that I'm going to demand a biopsy one day and make a habit of it, probably making my anxieties worse. I cannot handle being in the "maybe it's cancer, maybe it isn't cancer" grey area. I think I'd almost prefer getting a diagnosis, because at least then I'll have some closure.

23-07-18, 18:15
Can sometimes feel discomfort in the upper left section of my abdomen, most of the time just under the ribs. I'm worried that it's spleen pain but am not sure. The discomfort lasts a short time and IIRC spleen pain is meant to start that way before becoming worse. Could it just be indigestion?

I've been very calm these last 2-3 months, but now the fears have come back in full force. I'm been up all night stressing over my lymph nodes convinced that I have lymphoma or leukaemia. I have no B symptoms but I know that lymphoma and leukaemia can be present without ANY symptoms. The lymph nodes on the sides of my neck have NOT grown but that doesn't relax me. I've been digging for nodes more than ever and found a few more, none bigger than peas but they terrify me nonetheless.

Tempted to see another doctor and am very worried that I'm going to demand a biopsy one day and make a habit of it, probably making my anxieties worse. I cannot handle being in the "maybe it's cancer, maybe it isn't cancer" grey area. I think I'd almost prefer getting a diagnosis, because at least then I'll have some closure.

I've been there. However, I want to reassure you that pea size lymph nodes in your body are relatively normal, especially if they don't change. I have several in my body that are benign and have been swollen for nearly a decade. I did however have one pop up on my neck that never went down. It grew and continued to grow and by the time it was taken out, was the size of nearly a golf ball. It was positive for Lymphoma. I had no symptoms. No pain.

I tell you this to say that there are always signs to look for, that indicate cancer. Palpable nodes by themselves do not indicate cancer. Neither does a pain in the stomach. You could simply have a nervous stomach with as much anxiety as you have. I had no symptoms in the context of what you think of as symptoms (B symptoms). I did however have a golf ball pushing up against my throat. Not a pea sized node.

I want to encourage you to see a doctor. I then want to encourage you to trust your doctor. You don't need to request a biopsy at every visit. Cancer doesn't work that way. Ask them for their professional opinion and then trust them. Don't dwell on the rare thought that somehow all of them are missing something.


31-07-18, 05:51
Update on my lymph nodes.

I went to another GP, who I'm grateful for picking. Besides being friendly and funny, he knew a lot about his work and was able to come to conclusions I never expected.

He felt all of the nodes in my neck and immediately mentioned how tight the muscles were under my nodes. He also said I was very skinny, having no layer of fat. He explained that the tight muscles are pushing the nodes outwards while the lack of fat makes them visible. He told me to google neck stretches and practice them, while correcting my posture in everyday life incase that has a role to play. He explained that I likely had a magnesium deficiency (a very common problem in my area), which is causing this muscle tightness. He also asked me if I experienced cramps and twitches (I do) and then confirmed magnesium was needed. I've been prescribed magnesium pills to sort this out, and found out that a magnesium deficiency also causes fatigue and anxiety.

He said that he had seen and diagnosed a lot of lymphomas, and told me that he considered himself very very careful when it came to lumps, giving biopsies "just to be safe". He said he wasn't worried about my nodes in any way however.

I am thankful for his expertise, I never expected such a thorough explanation or a friendly reception. I regret not getting a biopsy, because I know the fears may come back somewhere down the line. Ignoring that, today was very fulfilling, and I feel happy now that I'm out of the health anxiety limbo.