View Full Version : Scared of brain tumor

28-10-17, 23:18
Hello, I'm Eric and I'm 20 years old. I've had panic disorder for a few years now, and was on prozac for about a year and a half but decided I was ok without it eventually. Around the time of my first panic attack, I started getting really bad vertigo. I went to a neurologist and had an MRI, it came back fine. 4 years later, I tried taking lexapro 2 weeks ago because classes were stressing me out. The side effects made me insanely anxious and stressed, I was only on lexapro for 4 days but I still have constant anxiety, panic attacks and stress. I developed painful headaches (I usually get migraines, but these pains are different), it feels like electricity in my head and in the base of my skull, sometimes behind my eyes. I started getting some vertigo, so I went to an MRI, had a VNG test (which was excruciating) and had mild vertigo for most of the test but the last part of the test they put a tube in my ear and blew air into it which gave me room spinning nystagmus. I'm currently waiting for an MRI and I'm just worried I'll end up having a brain tumor. I'm fairly confident the head pain, sensitivity to light and noise and nausea are all stress related, but it's bugging me because I don't have the results now. I guess I'd appreciate some reassurance / suggestions. The headaches definitely come after a panic attack, yet I'm still worried it will be something serious. I never felt these pains / had sensitivity to light or sound (aside from when I have migraines) until the lexapro side effects.

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