View Full Version : Leg and arm and hand weakness

29-10-17, 00:41
I have this stuff -- typically when I get out of bed in the morning I have "jellyleg" -- my legs feel weak and rubbery, and then it goes away and comes back during the day sort of randomly. And then I get it in my hands, feels like my grip strength is gone, then it comes back -- then I get it in my arms -- at its worst sometimes my muscles just feel tense, especially in my forearms, and my fingers start to feel crampy and twitchy.

Thing is, the weakness is never *real*. I strength-test all the time, and I can lift weights as usual, I walk several miles a day at least, it just feels weird sometimes.

Anyone else get this? It was giving me panic attacks. My doctor didn't seem concerned and gave me Paxil which is probably helping stop the panic attacks. I think the "weakness" might just be anxiety but I keep obsessing on diseases like ALS or Parkinson's. I refuse to google so I don't even know the symptoms of P. Googling always messes me up.

Had some serious stresses in my life recently -- ended long term relationship, lost my house, moved to new town where I don't know anyone, lonely as hell, just feeling kind of low and useless.


29-10-17, 02:16
I get the same thing. Except for the twitchy fingers. It causes me to panic. I don't have any advice, but just wanted you to know you are not alone.