View Full Version : Today I panicked so bad I ended up in A&E, more headaches can anyone relate?

16-06-07, 18:17
I woke up at 3 am and had the most awful panick attack, I had pain in the back of my head and I couldn't even lay on the pillow as the back of my head felt sore, sort of like it was bruised inside, although I have had no injury.
I contact the local doctor who advised me to go to A&E, which I did at 4 am this morning, I was checked over, had my bloody pressure tested and temperature and then also looked into the back of my eyes, and told me they didn't think anything sinister was going on.

So why hasn't that put my mind at rest.

i have had about 6 hours sleep in total in the last 3 nights and I am exhaused and need to sleep, but so scared as i wake up an hour or so later and the pain from the back of my head is there, it it feels like someone has hit me on the head and its painful to put pressure on it.

Some times my neck feels a little stiff and my shoulder can ache, but thats not all the time.

I have an appointment to see a neutrologist in 4 weeks till, but I don't want to be a complete wreck until I have that appointment.

can anyone relate to those feelings at the back of the head?

I am sure my worry is adding to the problems, but there is definately something there and thats why I worrying. Could stress/anxiety cause those problems.

I am starting to really panic tonight and if anyone can say anything re-assuring I will be ever so grateful.

16-06-07, 19:06
Hi I'm a newbie I can try and reassure you! I think telling yourself you survived last night and will survive tonight and the next night etc can help. It has helped me since I had a health scare which I thought was a heart attack (the doc thinks it was panic I had v high blood pressure too) about 5 weeks ago I ended up in an ambulance having an ECG. I have had milder panic most days since but I'm still here!

funky chick
16-06-07, 21:13
Hi Mev, try be reassured its nothing sinister as you say you wer checked out at a&e last night and if the doc had been worried would have admitted you.
it is hard to let go relax when we get real stong pains from the tension is it more like a scalp pain rather than a headache? i have had that all over my head and it is not nice and yes neck and shoulders hurt on times with it too.
Try relax i know easy to say but the tenser you are the longer it will stay try and drop your shoulders because we dont always realise they are right up by our ears.
Hope this helps a little sorry cant be of more help.please take care and try and rest and have some well needed quality sleep thinking of you love Gail xxxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

16-06-07, 22:03
I can only echo what the others have said. I have been rushed to hospital three times and each time I have been told I was OK. The last time was about 5 years ago.

Since then I have still worried about myself; it is all so hard to believe that you are not seriously ill. But I am more confident about myself now. Just tell yourself that as often as you can!


17-06-07, 18:48
A few years ago i had a really bad pain on the sides of my head...on top of the ears...where u can feel ur pulse. this pain stayed for 6 weeks..i was told that stressing about them had made them stay..so maybe ur just stressed? along with this weird sort of pain i was getting shoulder pain...and a shocking sort of jolting pain from the neck up to the top of my head...hard to believe then but it was all anxiety...the only reassurance i can give u is that if something sinister was about to occur, it would have by now...so since it hasnt try not to worry. :hugs:

18-06-07, 02:28
Hi mev
I get the pains at the back of the head and neck too.
In my case and probably yours too it's just muscle tension.
Phill :shades:

18-06-07, 04:09
Thanks all for your replies. They do make me feel a little better.

I am having yet another bad nights sleep, the previous night I slept so well and woke up yesterday morning and felt positive from what the hospital had said the day before, I kept myself busy yesterday and everytime a thought came into my head I managed in most cases to push it out and be positive, thats why I am so annoyed that I woke up at midnight with the pain in my head. I really cant shake the feeling its something serious, the pain is there for about an hour or 2 after I wake up and then it goes, I think to myself surely if it was stress then wouldn't it get worse during the day when I worry about it, it does stay there in the day, but not as muc (probably as doing other stuff).

I know I only have 3.5 weeks till my appointment with neurology, but then I imagine it will be ages till I have a scan then have to wait 6 weeks for the results, I really cant bear the thought of waiting that long.

I keep looking at my son and having really sad thoughts about not seeing him grow up, I am pushing my hubby away, I really can't stand it much longer, and feel its never ending.

feel so pathetic :weep: :weep: :weep: