View Full Version : Constipation and white spots in stool

29-10-17, 01:25

Sorry for the long post but Im having a bit of trouble getting any advice or diagnosis from my GP and i need reassurance.

I have suffered from IBS-C and chronic constipation all of my life. The past year i have actually seen a great improvement in my bowel habits (Y) this may be due to switching to a vegan diet :).


The last two months i have had a bad bout of constipation with rabbit like type 1 stool constantly no matter what i eat or how much water i drink or exercise i do! it just won't go back to normal :(

i went to the gp and they suggested coeliac disease or thyroid problems so i had the required blood tests and everything came back negative so no further action is to be taken. i was prescribed fybogel which after 4 days of taking still hasn't made any difference, in fact it seems to have made me worse.

but its not the constipation itself that i am really worried about. along with it i have noticed white specks all over my poo. At first i put this down to being oats as i eat porridge every day but then i though i have never had this from oats before so i stopped eating them anyway to see if it went and it didn't.

After ignoring it for a couple of weeks i finally decided to have a closer inspection at these white blobs and discovered they are larger than they appear and sort of chalky in texture or a bit like the consistency of raw pastry.

Looking at google has suggested all kinds of horrible things like gallbladder problems or fungal infections but the GP and NHS 111 don't seem too concerned and my blood tests all came back normal so i have no idea!

Is there a possibility that its just badly digested food? my suspect foods are- oats, almonds (have eaten frequently recently) or cashews...

I feel like being told to increase my fibre intake is frustrating as a typical day of food for me includes-

Porridge with soy or almond milk and prunes for breakfast, a hummus sandwich for lunch with a banana and apple and either some nuts or a raw fruit and nut bar, then for tea i typically have either pulses of some kind or veggie sausages with potatoes and two vegetables one of which is usually broccoli and then i have another portion of fruit and some dark chocolate for desert. along with at least 1500-2000ml of water and several cups of decaf tea. i feel like thats so much fibre!!

plus i walk for 1hr20 in total to work and back or sometimes cycle or jog it and i am on my feet all day at work so i find it hard to fit in much more activity without being exhausted haha.

I have had enough of feeling like this now and having no real advice on how to solve this :(

29-10-17, 15:18
It could be mucus which is common with IBS and constipation as the bowel makes more mucus to try and help you pass the stool. I have sinailr issues going on myself and horrible health anxiety so I get how you feel.

29-10-17, 17:46
I never knew mucus could look like that but maybe you're right, Im hoping after i finally properly have a regular BM that it will subside. will get to my GP tomorrow too. Thank you