View Full Version : Feeling of doom? Lymph nodes

29-10-17, 04:34
Hello! This might be long but I'm so glad I finally made an account after going on this site for so long. First off, Im a 17 year old girl. Ive had health anxiety ever since I developed emetophobia in fourth grade! But recently, I've been super scared the past week. I noticed during school on Monday that my right jaw was hurting, and I put it down to an impacted tooth (baby tooth that never fell out because it was filled, now adult tooth is growing sideways from the bottom). Afterwards, i could feel many tiny little nodes in my jaw, sometimes. they were moveable and somewhat painful. A bit later, i decided to see my armpit areas lymph nodes. that little fat area between the arm and breast (the crease) was hard. Touching it, i felt tiny little lymph nodes (felt like little bullets or beads). nd so i started picking at this area until it got so swollen and irritated and red (oops, i know). This morning, i woke up with small dents/dimples in those same armpit areas (both sides). i asked my dad to check his and he has the same dent. juST i never realized mine before(it really stood out) and i got scared. there are no visible lumps. I decided to see my doctor and she said she could feel tiny lymph nodes but nothing alarming to where id have to get tests done. Tonight, i feel very awful! I have chest pain and neck pain and can't stop touching my neck lymph nodes! my neck feels stiff and sometimes the pain goes from my jaw all the way to my ear! Now, my forehead and eyes really burn! sometimes i also get a really painful sense in my neck (feels like a lump but i can't physically feel anything)! right now i just feel somewhat weak and anxious and so stressed along this health anxiety, i also have college applications and I'm dying! I'm just so scared its lymphoma or leukemia! since i do know someone (classmate) with lymphoma, and her lymph node is as big as a baseball, realizing that i do know people with cancer makes me even more anxious! I'm just really scared that it'll get bigger. sorry this is so long but i appreciate if you do read it! i feel so scared, my parents think I'm crazy! my chest just feels so tight and achy right now, along with my back. :( i also had a bad hot itch on my big toes :/ just ugh so many things that i know aren't linked to lymphoma but I'm freaking out and i can't move and i feel off!my head also kind of aches, probably because of the crying and stress? i heard headaches are a symptom of leukemia, but I'm not sure :(

29-10-17, 14:59
All those symptoms can be caused by anxiety. Some people can always feel their lymph nodes. I teach a module on the lymphatic system to college kids. I show them where lymph nodes are and every year without exception I have several of them tell me they can feel the ones in neck, and they’re all fine. I had one just below my ear that I could feel for a year and I convinced myself I had HIV :blush: which I didn’t. Obviously cos I kept poking it it got irritated. Eventually when I left it alone it went down.

29-10-17, 15:11
Do your parents know you're struggling like this? My daughter suffers from anxiety and depression. She came to me at 18 and told me everything. I, along with her mother, made sure she got professional help. She worked hard and it doing great now. Discussing this with your parents or a trusted adult and asking for help would be beneficial for you IMO.

Positive thoughts