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View Full Version : Fungal nail infection after ingrown toenail?

29-10-17, 09:30

I'm a mini hypochondriac but have had therapy and was doing ok until now.

I had an ingrown toenail infection - swollen, red, painful and took antibiotics for a week and the pain went so assume infection did. It still looked red though

Now I have taken polish off and have yellow edges either side of the same nail and sort of looks like a nail growing down the side. Pharmacist gave me fungal treatment.

Worrier in me has stressed it's toenail melanoma...

29-10-17, 09:34
Helen sorry there's nothing more to say on this. Apart from if you have any work sheets left from the CBT you had I would kindly suggest you read them and start using them again. Cheers

29-10-17, 11:09
I'm annoying myself as much as I am you all, believe me. I don't want to be worrying about something else. I want to take a photo and someone to say yup that's what mine looked like.
Like i said i have fungal treatment, the polish stuff, but everytime I look at it I worry

---------- Post added at 09:48 ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 ----------

photo 1 https://ibb.co/gwX4Fm

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photo 2 https://ibb.co/kivPFm

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photos attaxhed, bit grim.

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either side

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29-10-17, 11:28
Helen - why didn't you just add to your previous thread about it?

29-10-17, 12:01
Because my toenail issue was different then. I'm sort of spiralling and i don't like it. I've never had a fungal toe thing before so am freaking out that it might be melanoma. Sorry.

---------- Post added at 11:53 ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 ----------

I feel sick with worry.

---------- Post added at 12:01 ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 ----------

the edge is definitley thicker and yellow like fungal

29-10-17, 12:11
Cut toenail so it's short and straight - don't round it with file. The middle part seems normal colour where you had nail varnish. Fungal infection will invade nail from sides. But some people have discolouration without an infection. Just keep using med you've been given.

AND work on your CBT "methods".

29-10-17, 12:29
I'm trying but I'm so worried its melanoma. I know its yellow and thick and wah. I'm terrified.

29-10-17, 12:36
What "methods" did you learn during CBT to control this fear?

29-10-17, 12:47
Pie charts and logic and distraction.

But i distract myself and then apply the ointment and see it again. I keep throwing my foot up at any given chance to have another look to assure myself. . .

29-10-17, 12:50
What is the "logical" line of reasoning here then?

29-10-17, 12:53
that itbis fungal and too use treatment as instructed but it's that worry in my gut I can't shake.

29-10-17, 13:19
that itbis fungal and too use treatment as instructed but it's that worry in my gut I can't shake.

You cannot fight that, so go along with it, accept it's there, but keeping consciously working on the logical part of what you've just said. Then it will diminish ;)

29-10-17, 14:35
But to you, it looks fungal? The thick yellow side bit right? No other toes have that.

---------- Post added at 14:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:29 ----------


29-10-17, 20:45
Omg seriously? That IS NOT melanoma, and just because you have a toenail fungus doesnt mean your other toes would! And when people tell you what they think you still qyestion them! Ive seen all your other threads, i have anxiety over melanoma and with good reason but you take the biscuit, you clearly need help but you dont take it, you dont listen to Drs but ask strangers opinions and then dont listen, theres no winning with you at all, you go on and on, ive used sunbeds and sunbathed so i have an increased risk of getting melanoma, but i dont come on here fretting nowhere near as you do. Yes when my anxiety started j was asking loads of questions but i calmed down, got help and listened to Drs, and while i do have anxiety atm i come on here and look at threads and calm myself down, you dont you just post delete it when you dont hear what you want delete it and start again. We arent Drs, we cant diagnose but THAT IS NOT MELANOMA!

30-10-17, 03:32
Helen, the polish can make your nail yellow like that.

I have it on my big toes and fingernails.

30-10-17, 06:17
Hi Helen.

I have both things too, and fungal nail infection is just as you described it, thick yellow yukky looking nails,mine was down the side and halfway across the nail at one point, and took months to clear up. I think the thickening that comes with fungal infection also plays a part in the ingrowing toenail.
Just an observation though. If you wear polish on your toe´s all the time, specially when they are exposed to the sunshine, the suns rays would not be able to penetrate the polish and cause what you are fearing.
Hope this helps.

30-10-17, 09:04
Mini hypochondriac?

That made me laugh Helen.

Yes nail polish will definitely turn your nails yellow. Especially the dark colours. I’m wearing navy blue at the moment and I know my nails would be yellow if I took it off.

30-10-17, 13:09
The thing is it's a ingrowing toe nail from what I gather easy to treat and if not the nail can be surgically removed I had one so know so for the last time Helen go to you dr's and get the darn thing treated end of no more questions the answer is easy :) ATB

01-11-17, 23:48
Its just a toenail fungus...not even a bad one. Mine was sooo so much more worse than that and the doctor didnt think it had anything to do with anything besides just a fungus. The whole toenail was covered in this white stuff and it was gross...like really gross. If the doctor thought mine was just fungus..then yours is definitely just fungus. I ended up having to get it surgically removed so the new nail could grow back normal. I would show you a pic if i had one. but honestly whenever you damage a nail( like how you had an ingrown toenail), that is perfect opportunity for a fungus to get in. You had perfect conditions for a fungus, so it definetely is a fungus. And its not abnormal for it to only be on one toe. I only had the fungus on my big toe nails. The other one is almost all the way grown out. Just keep using the anti fungal polish, thats what Im using rn too.

02-11-17, 09:16
Hi all,

The fungal treatment is working, it does say you notice it after a week but pharmacost said I mst need to use for 18 months! has anybody used the same stuff before? The polish type treatment. Its still very yellow but noticeable improvement.

02-11-17, 09:45
You are losing control here a bit.

Trust the pharmacist, get off this thread and definitely off google.

Find something to distract yourself and put some blooming socks on and stop looking at your feet :D

02-11-17, 10:02
Sound Advice from Elen, Helen :) Glad there is a improvement too now that is positive news :) ATB

02-11-17, 10:11
Jist clipped said nail and clipped it too short and at angle :/ will this make it worse? And thanks Moo, what do you do with the cuticle build up? I don't want to pick it as I think that started infection in first place.

02-11-17, 10:18
nope not playing, get out a worksheet and leave your blooming nails alone

05-11-17, 10:19
I'm gutted, the nail treatment has been working well and I've only gone and put in the washing machine and broke/emptied it. It's 20 quid and I can't really afford another

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Also, anybody eho has had it before i need advice. I have cuticle dead skim build up around where the ingrown toenail gap is/was, do I pick it off or?

05-11-17, 14:44
I wasn't sure what you was on about at first and realised it's not your washing machine that's broke but the nail treatment you put in the washer by mistake. Can't you simply go to your dr's and get a prescription for some nail treatment there must be some nail treatments available on prescription? As for the other bit of advice Iam not going to say anything think you already know the answer to this. ATB

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You are still watching this thread so sad really.