View Full Version : Something fell on my head

29-10-17, 23:58
I was stretching on the fooor and knocked over my laptop, which was propped up on the wall. Now I’m all sorts of anxious about a bleeding brain, even though my husband said I’m fine, esp since it was so close to the ground so it couldn’t fall very hard.

I know to look for loss of consciousness, vomiting, dizziness, etc. ha, can you tell I’ve been down this road before? There’s no bump, it’s just a little sore. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

Every time I bump my head, I have this horrible spike in health anxiety. Anyone else?

30-10-17, 01:38
I've had heaps of things fall on my head and boy does it set me off for weeks until I'm in the clear. I've had a piece of metal from a boat fall on my head and that bloody hurt but I was fine, I think you've got to get a fair whack for it to cause a concussion and then even more so for a clot etc.... x