View Full Version : What IS THIS Buzzing IN my Chest? HELP?

17-06-07, 03:05
I haven't logged on in a long time..Said I wasnt going to let anything get to me.I have been writing and working day and day out staying busy doing things I have done in awhile and keeping myself occupied and thoughts away from worry.

Off and On I get this buzzing in my right side of my chest..Its like holding a water hose and feeling the water flow through it.. It happens every so often but for the last few days more than usual.I haven't had any massive pain with it but get really tired at night but well we sleep late and get up fairly early

I have asked several people about it and they said could be posture related ,could be muscle spasm and so on..I think that I even asked my nurse friend but today its worse than usual.Around my right breast almost in the center there is a pulsating feeling like water flowing through a water hose..and its just annoying..

I wonder if anyone else gets this or is it just me? I have been told many things and usually I try to ignore it but it seems to be associated with using my right arm alot and sometimes my arms feel weak but lately I have been typing alot and well lifting things I don't normally and I was curious as to what everyone thought,if its just muscle spasm or just nothing really .Its been going on and off for months and sometimes I feel it in my legs too but it goes away and then comes back at the most odd times.

I worry that maybe its an artery and such maybe a main one going through my chest that im feeling or something even more bizarre.I was just up at my friends how a nurse and asking her about altitude sickness and so on and she keeps telling me not to even start that..There is absolutely nothing wrong with me but still I have to wonder.

What gets me is I have far surpassed anything I thought I would be able to do recently and ignored things that I would normally focus on..Any ideas what it could be and is it serious? HELP please?