View Full Version : Lyrica (Pregabalin) PLEASE HELP

30-10-17, 13:54
I took ONE Lyrica for anxiety. IT WAS A NIGHTMARE, So bad I had to leave work. Everything around me on the freeway started moving slowly in a circular motion. It made me so dizzy I couldn't walk straight.

I managed to make it home safely and collapsed onto my bed thinking thank god this nightmare is about to be over!. Well this was three and a half years ago. That following morning I woke up with pain in my hands so bad that I couldn't even turn a door knob.

Here I am years later and just wasted juice all over myself while attempting to pour due to the sudden crackling pain I get in my hands when I grab something. I didn't have any physical pain before Lyrica. Now my hands feel broken all the time, I also Have back pain from hell randomly when I sleep on a normal firm bed. Keep it mind I'm only 25, and have been suffering since 22 from one pill. Does anyone have any suggestions or deal with the same thing?

30-10-17, 14:36
Have you talked to your doctor about your pain? I'm not a doctor, but could it be unrelated to the lyrica?

31-10-17, 03:56
Im for 100% sure it was the lyrica since the pain came immediately after waking up from the deep sleep lyrica put me in.

31-10-17, 11:32
With respect, I wouldn't blame one dose of Lyrica on 3.5 years of pain. If it caused it, you'd be a clinical study from what you describe happened. What do the doctors say about this?

Positive thoughts

01-11-17, 08:26
My husband takes Lyrica for back pain. So no.

02-11-17, 05:26
With respect, I wouldn't blame one dose of Lyrica on 3.5 years of pain. If it caused it, you'd be a clinical study from what you describe happened. What do the doctors say about this?

Positive thoughts
When I took it back in 2014 it only took one that made my whole body feel away its never felt so I knew not to take it anymore, and again the pain came Immediately upon waking. I informed the doctor at that time, and never went back.
When I talked to my new Dr. he told me that I should have never been given that for anxiety, and that is strictly for pain, and doesn't understand why that common side effect is still bothering me years later. He told me most people that take that don't notice the side effects or deal with it due to the fact that it took away pain in other areas.
I actually just came across someone in the forum explaining the same thing but they didn't get a answer and the post date was years ago. Hopefully they will get back on.

02-11-17, 05:31
When I talked to my new Dr. he told me that I should have never been given that for anxiety,

Preg is licenced for GAD in the UK so it is used to treat anxiety. I would be surprised if the FDA haven't granted the same but would have to check.

To be honest, you're on the wrong board. You want the Meds board as there is a sub board for this med. There are regulars like hanshan and SmilingAlbert who help people understand this med.

I would expand on your anxiety too. A drug could give an intense reaction and cause problems with the underlying anxiety. I've experienced that myself with a med where it ramped up my anxiety terribly and along with that came symptoms I never had before. And many people suffer similiar things starting on a med, in my case it just didn't fade as it should (I wasn't suited to it, but it's a long story and not relevant to what you are asking).