View Full Version : failed but needing TLC

17-06-07, 09:14
:weep: hello to everyone who spoke to me yesterday, and here is an update - nothing positive to add though as have used AVOIDANCE yet again. only problem is that i now dont feel any better and it gets worse as the years go on, my husband in particular is always so upset.

i sound very selfish, which actually i know i am, i dont know why the thought of letting others down doesnt seem to motivate me enough to jfdi!!! but sadly it doesnt, maybe theres a lesson in this to anyone newish to anxiety, and that is that if you do use avoidance as a coping mechanism it will eventually bring you to your knees, which is where i am now.

i will bring myself back up and continue to come on here and chat to you lot, as really i am inclined to just give up, but i think you guys can get me thru this:)

so all have some:flowers: and:hugs: because i know that there are ppl who 100% know how i feel, and dont want anything from me and arent disappointed by me

love to you all emma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17-06-07, 12:54
Awwwww Emma:flowers:

In my experience panic and anxiety are all a personal journey that we have to travel!!!

We all have good days, bad days, and blips

Just stick around on NMP and you will get better I promise:yesyes:

Dont beat yourself up because you are going thru a bad patch:lac:

Thinking of You

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-06-07, 13:28
im sorry your feeling so bad about this emme i do know how ya feel .ok you couldnt do it this time maybe next dont give up ya need to keep trying do a little more each day believe me hun i know its hard but by doing it each time will be a little easier and its worth it..........dont beat yaself up over this ( i know thats easy to do) but it only makes it worse .......stay positive.........keep the faith........Linda xx

17-06-07, 13:46
if you do use avoidance as a coping mechanism it will eventually bring you to your knees, which is where i am now.

Emma you take our hand and we'll help to lift you back onto your feet. :) I'm sure every single person on these forums have avoided something so you're not on your own. We can learn from things even when they don't go to plan and it's great you're making the effort to overcome this. Perhaps this trip was just too big a step at this time and you should plan some steps to get back to this point. The first step could be a day out and then the next step could be staying one night away from home etc.

Hope you feel better soon. Good days will follow bad days bud as that's as natural as day following night. Hang in there and have some hugs :)

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

17-06-07, 14:26
cheers guys,

am feeling pretty crappy right now, but its nice to know there are friends out there who care enough to say some lovely supportive words to me right now, it means alot so THANKS

emma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17-06-07, 15:05
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Love Piglet xx

17-06-07, 16:24


Trac xxx

17-06-07, 16:34
Hi Emma

There where many many times myelf when i thought i couldnt take anymore,but things do get better i promise you that hun.

Heres a hug from me too !!:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


17-06-07, 16:54
:hugs: Emma :hugs: xx

17-06-07, 17:15
Emma, I'm sure nearly all of us on here know exactly what you're going through at the moment. I've avoided so many situations in the last 8 years that it's hard to not beat yourself up about it and think about all the people you feel you are disappointing. You've just got to put it behind you, okay so you didn't manage it this time, you'll do it in the future and you'll find that it'll get easier as you do. However, right here and right now it wasn't the right time, accept it and tell yourself that you tried. Just because you couldn't do it this time does not mean you are selfish, you tried to do it to please the people you love and that's a big step, it means you are far from selfish, you put yourself through the anticipation anxiety for the people you love and eventually you'll get there. Just believe you can. :hugs:

18-06-07, 11:23
thankyou to everyone who posted, of course ive always felt like im letting people down, but since feb 2006, i have actually been 'made' to feel like that by my husband as he is getting more and more down with the situation, especially as in the last 12 weeks my panic is focused on not being alone, some of you guys seem to be able to just stay at home alone while your family members go off and do their own thing, well currently im having a really hard time wiht this. anyway i hav''nt been made to feel that ive just let myself feel bad because obviously self-esteem is at a very low point as am struggling to believe i can be on my own and 'survive' a panic attack.

im not going to not come on here this time even if im feeling bad because im thinking you guys can help me thru this, i see all your love and support and i know you can and will help me too!

love to you all you are very lovely people

emma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

funky chick
18-06-07, 16:05
Awww Emma sending you lots of love support and hugs hun things will get better for you soon im sure dont be too hard on yourself love Gail xxxxxxxx
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

18-06-07, 20:13
:) thanks for all your kindness guys, i am feeling better and i KNOW that is in part through being able to come here and feel not so ALONE:hugs:

love to you all emma xxxxxxxxxxxxx:flowers:

18-06-07, 21:26
Glad to hear you are feeling a little better Emma :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thinking of you.
