View Full Version : Real fear of MRSA

30-10-17, 17:11
It's been awhile since I've used this forum but I'm actually freaking out because I think I've contracted MRSA. I recently got a job as a cook in a restaurant and one of trainers told me he had MRSA but told me "Don't worry, It's not that contagious." At that time I had no idea what MRSA even was but of course I googled it and learned about it. I'm still a bit iffy on it but I got this hives looking rash on my arm. I've gotten those years before I even started working here. Second I have this cut on my finger, right before the knuckle. I'm not sure what it is but the best way I can describe it is road rash. Where the top layer of the skin is rubbed off. I've also experienced this from lifting weights and having them rub on my knuckles. I was laying with my girlfriend and started rubbing my finger on the wooden board of the bed and that's how I logically think I got it but I think I'm having a health anxiety relapse so all my logic goes out the windowv. Lastly, I have this bug bite looking mark right above my rib cage. It itches and simply faded in about 4 hours. I really f*cked myself by looking at Google images of MRSA and only one picture matched what is on my finger, everything else looks like boils and abscess which I don't have. The only reasons I can't convince myself I don't have it is because a coworker told me he has it so it's a possibility.

30-10-17, 17:46
I just have to know what it is. It'll keep me up if I can't figure it out. MRSA sounds terrifying but everything I've looked up differs. Some things say it can go away on its own in 10 days others say you need surgery to get your bones scrapped and you die and yeah that sounds awful.