View Full Version : We all owe it to ourselves to get better

30-10-17, 19:26
As a new comer onto this forum and this site, I have seen the damage already that health anxiety and stress can cause. We are all worried about cancers, ALS, MS, heart problems, brain tumors, rabies... every disease you can think of, I am sure someone on here has thought they have had it. We all (including myself) worry about what we could have right now and what could be going on in our body, but we fail to see what we are doing to ourselves.

Currently, heart disease is one of the biggest health issues in the U.S. and the world. More people die of heart disease than any cancer or neurological disease. You know what can help contribute to heart disease... stress. Chronic stress and anxiety can cause a wide variety of problems like, depression, headaches, digestive issues, heart disease, memory problems, and some studies have even shown it can contribute to cancer (although these are very limited).

I am not writing this to scare anyone or make people feel bad about being anxious about their health, I am in the same boat with you. BUT, we owe it to ourselves, our families, our friends, our children, our own health, and each other to get better and try to fight against this anxiety. Whether you find peace using meditation, CBT, or medication, I beg people to find help with their issues and once again learn to be happy. Live your life to the fullest, we only have one to live and living in a state of fear is no way to do it. I am also not writing this to be self-righteous. You can see my previous posts just from today and see that I am struggling myself. I have had my own issues with my friends, spouse, and family because of this. I only want you to realize that you can do this. :yesyes:

30-10-17, 20:29
I agree, but how ......
I've had this for 40 years, I'm 40.
I don't want it anymore, but I dont want a band-aid (anti's) - I want to legitimately get rid of my HA with the power of my own mind.
I don't mind that I'm over sensitive to my body - I think that's a good thing, but I'm more than over sensitive I'm ridiculous. I"ve had nightmares and terrror about a cut turning into sepsis, or my cat scratching me and thinking I have cat scratch disease - but the cat didn't draw blood, or being next to someone who vomited and thinking I'd get the disease, when I didn't even touch her, or not eating food as I was sure the Chef looked at me funny so he's poisoned my food. having a brain tumor, colon cancer, ALS - still on that one, MS - still on that one, I've had an on-going eye twitch for 4 months - I"m freaking out all the TIME!
I've been to about 10 psychologist, outside of prescribing me drugs - nothing has helped and I'm only getting worse as I get older. I don't want this ... plus now - my thinking is that because I've had anxiety for so long that surely I"ve worn my body down so it's only a matter of time before something bad happens ... and then when/if it does - how will we cope!????

Anyone cured this?
I"d love to hear from you - will watch this post...

30-10-17, 20:38
I agree, but how ......
I've had this for 40 years, I'm 40.
I don't want it anymore, but I dont want a band-aid (anti's) - I want to legitimately get rid of my HA with the power of my own mind.
I don't mind that I'm over sensitive to my body - I think that's a good thing, but I'm more than over sensitive I'm ridiculous. I"ve had nightmares and terrror about a cut turning into sepsis, or my cat scratching me and thinking I have cat scratch disease - but the cat didn't draw blood, or being next to someone who vomited and thinking I'd get the disease, when I didn't even touch her, or not eating food as I was sure the Chef looked at me funny so he's poisoned my food. having a brain tumor, colon cancer, ALS - still on that one, MS - still on that one, I've had an on-going eye twitch for 4 months - I"m freaking out all the TIME!
I've been to about 10 psychologist, outside of prescribing me drugs - nothing has helped and I'm only getting worse as I get older. I don't want this ... plus now - my thinking is that because I've had anxiety for so long that surely I"ve worn my body down so it's only a matter of time before something bad happens ... and then when/if it does - how will we cope!????

Anyone cured this?
I"d love to hear from you - will watch this post...

As much as I would love to say there is a cure for anxiety, I do not think there is one. I believe the best way to stop health anxiety/OCD is a combination of CBT and medication. Along with this, the best thing you can do is a live a healthy life style... exercise daily (many studies show exercise can be just as effective as anti-depressants), eat a healthy diet, meditate, remove stress from your life, putting something before yourself (volunteering), and taking time for yourself (hobbies, have a you day).

31-10-17, 01:48
Im trying. Im still not sure what triggered this in me. I've always been anxious about health, I watched my mother go to doctor visits again and again growing up. But it never got bad until about 3 years ago. Ever since then it's been spiraling out of control. This year alone I've gone to several doctor visits, er visits, had ultrasounds and blood tests - all because I was sure I had blood clots in my legs. I feel so out of control with my worry and anxiety, even though I am medicated for it.
But you are right. We have to get better.

31-10-17, 01:54
Currently, heart disease is one of the biggest health issues in the U.S. and the world. More people die of heart disease than any cancer or neurological disease.

And the funny thing is, it's not exactly a common worry on here. Which only further exposes how irrational fears work, they seek out greatest fears and forget the more common stuff.

How many worry about accidents on the road. How common are those?

I'm not a HAer, and I agree totally with your thread, but I can see exactly the same in many of my anxieties over the years. The small stuff would have me in fear yet the big stuff I seem to kick into gear over.