View Full Version : Arm Pain / Rash Like Skin Pain

17-06-07, 11:48
Hi Everyone,

About 3 daysa go i started having bad left sided chest pains, this obviously concerned me but i tried not to get anxious or panicy.

Later on i have a strange rash like pain on my skin around my chest/side but there was no rash,, almost like a nettle sting pain. Over the past few days it has slowly moved down my left arm and the pain is now at my arm/wrist & hand area. Again it feels like a nettle sting kind of pain but i havnt got a rash or been stung. Its very sensitive to touch. Im worried about clood clots or things of this nature.

I just wanted some advice or ideas as to what it can be, its got me very worried.

Cheers Everyone


18-06-07, 10:39
Hmmm, that sounds quite odd. It's probably nothing but if I were you I'd maybe nip into my local chemist and ask the pharmacist - they're usually quite good at telling you if something's worth seeing the doctor about. You could always call NHS Direct / NHS 24 for an opinion as well, I know they get a bad press but I've always found NHS 24 (the Scottish version of NHS Direct) to be very helpful. Here are the web addresses incase you want them:

Good luck!

18-06-07, 10:39
Have you had chicken pox? It could be shingles, this can be really painful.It happens when the virus gets reactivated after hanging around in your body for years. See your doc is the best thing.

18-06-07, 10:58
Hi Sean,

I have had something the same, so has my daughter, both due to anxiety and an anxiety symptom.

Sean, I would say my symptoms was like this, see if its the same.

There is NO, rash, NO, you can't see anything there, it feels like a minor burn, the skin is very tender to touch, could be a least 4inches long or wide, or sometimes more. I have had this symptom on my face, on my arms, the tops of my legs, not all at the same time though.

Sean if you are concerned hun, go and see your gp. peace of mind goes along way.

I know defo for me and my daughter, its an anxiety symptoms and always passes in time.

The nervous system is a very complex network of electrically charged nerves which are found in every square centimeter of your body, around every organ, muscle and across your skin, the largest organ in the body. Abnormal nerve impulses due to anxiety can cause a vast array of strange sensations; although quite harmless these can be very disturbing.

I myself put it down to this, my nervous system being very sensitive, but I say again, if you are concerned, go see your gp.

You take care


18-06-07, 14:39
Hi Everyone thanks for your replies.

20-06-07, 22:54
OMG Jinkus!!
i thought there was only me suffered with this,it feels like your skin hurts right??? it comes and goes with me and ive had it in every part of my face and body at sometime or another and as quick as it comes it just sort of goes away,probably by the end of the day or in a couple of days.But i do know one thing-the more you think about it,the longer it will be there so that must mean its just another strange anxiety symptom.

Try not to worry-ive had it for ages on and off and im still here!!

Take care,Candie xx