View Full Version : Visual field test anxiety

30-10-17, 20:34
It’s been years since I’ve posted here but I read a lot of the amazing help and support given by members. As HA sufferers thus forum can be a lifesaver at times of panic.

I’m trying to deal with this current situation on my own but it has now got to the point of me being in constant anxiety and not sleeping. I could use some help.

I went for my regular eye test just over a month ago - new prescription etc. of course I was nervous as it’s a medical test and something could be picked up. At the end he said all looked fine but wanted to do a baseline visual field test as I’m 48. Scheduled that for a week later and of course I did the terrible thing and googled. Enough said. Did the test which freaked me out completely. I was in such a panic while doing it that I was over clicking and looking everywhere. He then came in and (I’d told him that I suffer from HA) and he said it wasn’t usable and that I’d need to come in later and do it again. He said he’d send a reminder in a month or so.

The reminder came this week and has sent me into a total spin. I am terrified.

I keep trying to tell myself that if he had seen anything worrying he would it have waited a month nor told me that he expected everything to come back normal.

Has anyone else had to retake these? I am a wreck and could use some reassurance that this is not unusual.

Thanks in advance.

Gary A
30-10-17, 22:05
You aren't having to retake it because anything is wrong, you're having to retake it because looking everywhere and over clicking isn't going to give him an accurate visual field test result.

Also, even if there's a problem with one of your visual fields, why does it have to be something awful? The eye is a very complex organ with lots of very intricate parts, just because one of those parts may not be functioning at its best, what makes you think it's something to be terrified over?

30-10-17, 22:15
Thanks Gary - I appreciate the reply. You are right. I jumped to the worst possible conclusion which is heightened by my current state of severe anxiety.