View Full Version : Worried about seizures.

31-10-17, 00:44
I will start off by saying I have had anxiety/panic disorder since my teens. I am now 33. Sometimes, I can totally forget I have anxiety and move on with life. Other times, my health anxiety is on overdrive and I feel like I'm going crazy.

Over the last five years, there has been a lot of changes in my life. I got married, started a business and had two children. My second child was born in August of last year.

Two days after I had my second child, I had a panic attack (the first one in 3 years) because I thought they had injected the epidural incorrectly and my legs were going numb. I went to the doctor who assured me there was nothing wrong and I wasn't paralyzed in any way.

I kept getting little panic attacks here and there but nothing major. I also never took a maternity leave. I hired a nanny to help so I could work around the clock. I also had to get my first child off to school which was 20 minutes away. This was extremely stressful for me. I felt like the world was literally on my shoulders. I also wasn't sleeping at night. I would work late into the night and then wake up to feed the baby.

One night, I awoke from bed and felt extremely disoriented. I had to get some Advil for the baby who was teething at the time. I remember looking at the container, seeing the words, but unable to comprehend them. I told my husband I just had to go lie down. I had never experienced such a bizarre sensation but I attributed it to not getting enough sleep and my brain still being asleep while my body was away. Made sense.

The next morning I felt completely dizzy. I was changing my daughter's diaper and tilting my head to the right when a rush of dizziness came over me. It felt like a rise of adrenaline in my body. I moved my head straight, rushed to my kitchen to eat something as I felt maybe it was because I hadn't eaten. The feeling soon subsided.

We went out to eat that afternoon and there was tv monitor just above us. I turned my head to the right to watch it and felt that disorientating feeling again. I panicked but the feeling went away once I looked straight.

We went to a movie after that and as soon as the light went out I felt extremely anxious and not grounded. I left.

I seemed to be ok the next few days when these dizzy rushes started happening more often. I was at my office, working late, looking at the computer which was also located to the right and my keyboard at center, when a rush of panic/dizziness came over me. I panicked because I was feeling dizzy and packed up and went home.

Then, I was in the car, driving my kids home from school. We went through thr drive-through to pick up some donuts. I reached over to get my wallet and turned to pay the lady at the cash, when a severe dizzy rush, fleeting sensation came over me. I panicked all the way home, hyperventilating. The feeling caused a panic attack and not vice versa.

I finally went to emergency because the episodes started becoming more frequent. They told me I had positional vertigo. They advised to go home and do the Epley. I went home and tried the exercise. There it was. As soon as I lied back to the right, I spun for 10 seconds. I thought, great! This is what all of this was! I did the Epley for 4 days and the spinning sensation when lying down went away. But the strange part is the dizzy sensations kept happening. I was on my cell phone texting and looked up and had the dizzy sensation. It only lasts 1-5 seconds. Afterwards, I am panicky, flush, clammy and shaky (anxiety tremors).

I've had a full work up. MRI, CT Scan, Bloodwork, ear tests, etc. There is no more BPPV and there is no central problem. The neurologist I consulted said she wants to do an EEG to rule out partial complex seizures. Of course, being an anxiety nut, I am petrified. I have felt panic/fear and I have felt a large amount of brain fog. This condition has also caused me to feel off balance all of the time.

I also have experienced derealization because I am always thinking about my symptoms. Sometimes these sensations would come even from talking loudly. So my question is, do you think this is anxiety or complex seizures? I am scared to do the EEG. Would I know if this was seizure activity? They honestly feel like brain zaps! I'm not on any medication.

31-10-17, 12:24
My wife suffered a very severe illness last year. She had a seizure in the ER at the onset. There was no mistaking it. She had several milder seizure-like episodes while in the hospital. She took seizure meds for almost a year just in case. I don't think you would realize it yourself but those around you would most certainly recognize it I assure you!

Medical testing has ruled out anything serious. It's apparent your anxiety is ramped up and they're onto something with the positional vertigo. If you're that concerned get the test and be done with it. It sounds like the doctor is practicing CYA (cover your arse) medicine.

Positive thoughts

31-10-17, 17:54
Thank you. I even asked her if she seriously thought these were focal seizures. They are positional in nature and happen when I am seriously stressed! Like I got a couple 'zaps' adrenaline rushes today because I haven't been sleeping for the past 4 nights.

She said, no, but she has to do her job and think of any possibilities. The first neurologist I saw said no such thing.