View Full Version : Armpit and arm pain

31-10-17, 09:23
I'm new to this forum so bare with me lol.
I've had this pain 3 times now. Been to the gp about it twice but always get brushed off. First time they said it was probably a trapped nerve, second time and a different doctor she said the same and blamed it on the way I carried my daughter. So 3 weeks ago I started with cold, the week after I had my upper right wisdom tooth out. I started to feel better then I started with upper back pain like when I get a chest infection but no other symptoms this morning that pain is gone but for the past few days under my right armpit hurts, and my arm feels sort of heavy as if someone's given me a dead arm. Last night this went in to my other arm pit too on the left. I'm feeling a bit snotty and phlegmy. Could this just be my glands? I think I had cold the last two times it happened? I just don't want to go back to the gp yet as I always feel they fob you off. Has anyone had this?