View Full Version : ppl with Asthma and Panic together. SOB ??

31-10-17, 18:15

I was diagnosed with asthma about one year ago after having these on and off tight chests than came and went until one day it stayed for this last year and evolved into other symptoms. I kind of imagine i might have some back and forth with aniexty and or hyperventalition syndrome.

I see you can get a tight chest from stress and I can see the stress can also trigger asthma to flare, it seems like lots of asthma sufferers also find stress to bring on bad breathing.

My question is telling the difference. lately as i am on medications for asthma that seem or seemed to be working i don't get very many tight chests, or when i do it's from a cause most times i can see like very cold or wood stove smoke and things like that. My newest symptom that bother me for a bout a week now, although i think i have had it several times this year is this slight short of breathe feeling, sometimes i feel like i don't have it and then i monitor myself for it and it pops up, I also think that i might breathe bad when i talk fast during panic attack and trigger this asthma or short breathe feeling.

Can anyone who has both describe if you have similar symptoms from both. My family doctor just says < no its is only asthma, this time last year he said no asthma just stress.. i think i am dealing with a combo.

Thanks everyone.

31-10-17, 18:40
I've had asthma all of my life and it has gotten better I'll admit that, but ever since my panic disorder started a couple
Years ago, during panic attacks or just times of stress / anxiety, I will be afraid that I will have an asthma attack. The stress and anxiety can create many many symptoms that can physically affect you, but if you understand that you're not actually in danger you'll be okay. During asthma attacks you can generally feel a wheezing feeling and it's very easily distinguished between hyperventilation. If you feel that you are wheezing, then take whatever asthma pump that I'm assuming they have you. You will almost immediately feel the effects. Best wishes

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31-10-17, 23:21
I second that - wheezing is the asthma sign. Also, coughing is another sign.

You know what can help asthma? Singing lessons. Practicing expanding your lungs with air and singing with proper techniques can make your lungs stronger. That, and playing wind instruments.

Music can also help with stress :)

01-11-17, 01:22
I second that - wheezing is the asthma sign. Also, coughing is another sign.

You know what can help asthma? Singing lessons. Practicing expanding your lungs with air and singing with proper techniques can make your lungs stronger. That, and playing wind instruments.

Music can also help with stress :)

Yep, anything that improves lung capacity. That's why they recommend exercise to allow your lungs to increase their capacity. I think this becomes more important with age, my asthma has worsened or rather my lungs aren't as strong as I've got older.

05-11-17, 22:53
I just did a search of hyperventilation, and your post popped up. I am quite amazed to read your post as I am suffereing the exact same issue at this very moment myself!

I am a lifelong asthma sufferer - diagnosed at age 5. It was pretty bad right up until my late twenties, but in recent years has been fantastic. I used to have to take inhalers on a pretty regular basis, but only ever needed them after that if I had a chest infection, cold or whatever.

The past few months though (on and off) I have had SOB, a feeling of not having enough air and fast breathing. Initially I thought it was my cat allergy - I have been looking after a neighbourhood cat who visits daily and cannot resist playing with him (LOL) so i just thought he has triggered my allergy and asthma, but I have now concluded that this is NOT ASTHMA....

.....it is hyperventilation and a panic attack. I have suffered from depression, GAD and panic disorder on and off for 14 years.

This is what I find to be the major differences. With my asthma attacks I wheeze upon inhaling. have an intermittent cough and struggle to speak a full sentence due to the SOB, but with this there is no wheeze or cough and it just feels DIFFERENT.

Like a feeling of being overwhelmed and just not having enough air, or that my lungs cannot fully expand. Entirely different.

I kinda suspect that your SOB may well not be asthma induced, but be anxiety/stress induced hyperventilation too, but I wouldn't want to give a definite on that of course.

I know how awful it feels, so I do sympathise with you. x

18-11-17, 05:38
HI thanks everyone.

I am kind of rare as i don't audibly wheeze like others with asthma do. Or at least i can't hear it, I guess it isn't that uncommon and the doctor, specialist actually said it is normal.

I have been on treatment now for months for asthma, I am pleased i guess to not be having these Super tight chests, I am pretty sure those were asthma. I barely get those anymore.

The Short of Breath feeling is weird, I have noticed a couple times in the morning i feel good then when i start thinking and feel stress coming that also my SOB thing comes. It also comes randomly when i am working durngin the day and not stressed though ether, and a bit at the gym. The weird thing is it generally doesn't come when i run long distances. The puffer doesn't seem to help much if it ever did for any of this.

Still at a huge loss and worried i will never feel normal again, I hope it is stress causing this SOB and aggravating my what was called "asthma mild" this summer and now being called moderate because i am having daily symptoms..

this SUCKS.