View Full Version : Headaches

29-11-04, 02:22
I've been doing alright since recently, but the stress I'm experiencing has been getting to me and the anxiety has been getting to me. The thing that really has been scaring/upsetitng me has been my headaches/head pains. Occasionally, and a lot recently I've been having headpains that have been more painful than normal and its been upsetting me. I've also been getting tired lately a lot more, like sleeping in a lot during the weekend. I don't know if I should be concerned. Any advice?

29-11-04, 09:45
I can totally understand your headaches and head pains, I have them all the time believe me.

I haven't found a way of getting rid of them yet without the faithful old pains killers and sometimes that doesn't work!

I also feel the need to sleep because they just drain you. I also grind my teeth when i'm sleeping which doesn't help the following morning .

I can say they are probably nothing serious just stress and anxitey related.

Relaxation, aromatherapy, massage are good ways of de-stressing
have you tried anything ?

29-11-04, 11:28
hello there,

I het headaches and head pains quite often. I think that they are just related to stress. Mine normally just go away once I have tried to relax for a little bit. I normally just lie down and watch tv and that usually works.

Sarah :D

01-12-04, 12:13

The only advice I can offer is painkillers it is all that works for me. I also have been getting the most hellish headaches (feel almost(but not quite as bad) as the day after a migraine))

Don't feel stressed though it is stange... (maybe I'm not getting enough sleep)

Have you cut down on your caffeine etc?? do you maybe need an eye test?

Worth while getting your eyes checked and looking at yur diet, it could be something that is easily fixed and not linked to anxiety at all


01-12-04, 21:39

i hyave headaches quite often, try putting somot cold on ur head eg an ice pack or take some pain killers

Scooter Girl


02-12-04, 20:38
If the headaches go on for a week and are severe you should see someone about it. It is probably nothing to worry about but they may be able to give you some good pain killers or reassure you.

Hope you feel better soon.


21-01-07, 10:53
I find Tiger Balm really useful for head/neck pains, its like a balm you put on your head, neck (and any other achey places) and it cools it and works as an analgesic. Worth investing in, great for tension headaches. White or red is available, red is strong but smells, white is a bit lighter and smells nicer, get it from health shops for about a fiver, and it lasts ages.

Jo x


21-01-07, 15:30
sometimes headaches are due to dehydration. i get headaches a lot cos of stress but try to drink a glass of water before i reach for the painkillers!

21-01-07, 15:55
I agree with everyone! For me headaches are very much tied up with tension. When the band around my head lets go, I have a 'proper' headache. I drink loads of water, get some fresh air and if it's still there I reach for the paracetamol.

If they are really troubling you and go on for days on end, go and see your doctor; as nic said maybe some reassurance would help. Otherwise it's the old cycle of anxiety - I have a headache, therefore I get anxious, headache gets worse, more anxious.....

Love Jo x

21-01-07, 20:45

i dont know if this will help, but my brother was getting bad headaches a few months ago, and after all his tests with his doc, he was told that it was his computer chair that needed to be changed....his bad posture was what was giving him headaches!!...

just a thought...

busy lizzy
01-09-08, 15:53
I have always been prone to headaches from childhood, and had my first migraine 9 years ago but I think that was due to the menopause, I then started getting headaches that would last for 3 to 4 days after a lot of research and trial and error with my diet I found it was food preservatives containing sulphites, it is in most foods that are not fresh, most alcoholic drinks except spirits, most soft drinks, sausages, pickles,the list is endless.Frozen foods are safe though. I dont think people realise just what the additives they put in foods can do to you,and I would urge anyone who suffers with headaches to try and avoid anything with sulpites in, by law they have to be listed in the ingredients but include E220 -E228, E150b and E150d.My life is so different since avoiding these, the headaches often made me sick and I could not concentrate,and I've saved a fortune on painkillers. Now i've got an intollerance to wheat, the doctor sent me for a scan which was ok and told me to keep a food diary and sort it out myself so I did but I crave for a slice of toast and marmalade.