View Full Version : I need to sleep

31-10-17, 21:26
What do you do to slow down thoughts ??? my anxiety is so high that in addition to the physical symptoms (problems with breathing, rapid heartbeat, excessive crying, shaking, dry mouth) I am very tired because I can not sleep and when I try, I can not get my thoughts off. sleeping pills do not help and I stopped with medication because I was not realizing any change. I need to slow down my thoughts and sleep. (Sorry for my mess English 😂😂😂)

31-10-17, 21:56
well I listen to calming music I plug my earphones and away i go its so soothing it always helps me to drift off x

31-10-17, 22:20
no matter what I do, I can not calm my mind ... even things like music and movies (that used to relax me) now do not hold my attention.
Tks for ur answer ;)

04-11-17, 17:47
Comedy films ... tea: valerian root, chamomole, Passion flower.. when going to sleep counting from 100 backwards it helps !

09-11-17, 19:04
Libra, have you ever come across mindfulness as a meditation technique? I've been giving it a go and it helps calm my thoughts.

MarthaAustin MD
12-11-17, 13:22
Valerian root can help as well as meditation. Try and find different meditation techniques and there are plenty of apps to download and try.

Although this might be very difficult, try to not have any screen time (tablet, phone, computer, tv) for at least an hour before you want to sleep. Screen time will always engage your brain and keep you awake for longer than you want.

Another suggestion would be simply writing down all the thoughts in your head before you try and sleep.

Also a change in diet and regular exercise can really help your sleeping patterns.

You need to try and find the source of your sleeping problems and change anything that you are able to.

12-11-17, 16:19
watch out with valerian root as you can not take it with some medications.... SSRI's among others I think.

bizarrely when I feel bad and trying to fall asleep I do something that others really wouldn't recommend I play on my Nintendo 3DS, I concentrate on that and it stops my brain from thinking as I am concentrating on something else.

21-11-17, 23:27
Hydroxyzine (Vistaril, Atarax) can calm your mind enough to get you to sleep. It is ofeten used for anxiety and panic attacks for it works rather quickly. It is very safe and nonaddictive. You do need a prescription though.