View Full Version : Terrified about testicular cancer - please help

31-10-17, 23:13

I have extreme health anxiety. I’ve thought I had numerous different illnesses, including a fear for months that I had a brain tumour, to blood clots, lymphoma, aneurism etc.

I saw something in the paper about testicular cancer, and of course, ended up doing some rigerous feeling.
I found several areas where I panicked, researched online, and then realised it was either normal or not TC.

The fifth area of concern I found has been the most worrisome to me.
It is a very small hard thing about the size of a grain of sand.
It’s right at the top of the left testicle.

Looking at a diagram I know the head of the epididymis is also located at the top, but I don’t know whether this thing is on the epididymis or the actual testicle.

I read that finding a lump on the actual testicle is 95% chance of TC, and on the epididymis and other areas it’s highly unlikely to be TC.

Given the current situation I’m complete worried. I’ve convinced myself I’m going to die, and I’m going to the doctors tomorrow to get it checked out.
However, all I can think about is them telling me I have TC.

Any tips? :(

31-10-17, 23:26
Any tips? :(

Print this out, show it to your doctor when you go and ask for help with your anxiety. Treating the real illness will help prevent the imaginary ones ;)

Positive thoughts

01-11-17, 01:28
Print this out, show it to your doctor when you go and ask for help with your anxiety. Treating the real illness will help prevent the imaginary ones ;)

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I’ve been trying to do cbt. But with things like this, all we hear is that we MUST check if we notice anything sucpicious, but then with health anxiety you ALWAYS notice suspicious stuff.
How do when it’s real? I mean I definetly feel what I consider an abnormality

01-11-17, 02:57
My cousin had testicular cancer. He found a lump the size of a marble and hard. You need to be careful with the twins because they are very sensitive. If you have any concerns tell your pcp to do a testicular exam. I had something similar kinda like a grain of sand it ended up being a vein lol. Don't let anxiety make something out of nothing, Don't Panic! Lol

01-11-17, 03:33
I had this happen to me back in college. I found a lump and absolutely freaked that it was cancer. Turned out to be not cancer, just a benign bump that eventually went away. It’s good you’re getting it checked out but chances are you’re just fine.

01-11-17, 07:39
I’ve been trying to do cbt. But with things like this, all we hear is that we MUST check if we notice anything sucpicious, but then with health anxiety you ALWAYS notice suspicious stuff.
How do when it’s real? I mean I definetly feel what I consider an abnormality

Hi there. The thing is though that when people without HA check, they don't spend hours on Google and look at diagrams. They just don't. They have a quick check and then move on with their day. Something the size of a grain of sand wouldn't even register as a thing to investigate.

I'm sure you are fine, but I'd listen to what Fishmanpa says. Printing your post out to show to doc is a really good idea to give them an idea of what your HA is like for you.

01-11-17, 09:32
Thank you all for the replies!

I did actually print out the page and showed my GP this morning.
He did an examination and said he couldn’t feel anything abnormal. I pointed out twice the grain of sand type lump, but he couldn’t feel it.
He said I should just check once a month, but that I need to get the anxiety under control.
He’s refered me to a CBT therapist and also prescribed some medication.

It was odd that he couldn’t feel the area of concern, because both me and my girlfriend could.
I read somewhere that 30% of cases are misdiagnosed by the GP and you must see a urologist instead.
He didn’t seem concerned at all, though, only for my anxiety and OCD. I guess it’s normal for HA sufferers to have a level of distrust for GP’s, unfortunetly.
There was also someone who said they had a grain of sand type lump that was cancerous, but the doctor couldn’t feel it, so they had to wait until it had gotten bigger to go back and get a referral and I’m worried this will be me :(

I knew I wouldn’t be reassured by going and that he probably wouldn’t be able to feel it. I knew I’d just continue to rouminate and not be reassured.
I suppose it’s good to though that I’ve been refered for CBT.

Thanks again

01-11-17, 15:49
The drug they gave me was “setraline”, if anyone has had any experience with it.

01-11-17, 15:56
Yep... Zoloft. I was on it for around 6 months for some depression after my 1st heart attack. I also was in 1 on 1 therapy. It was the crutch I needed until I got myself on my feet again.

Positive thoughts

03-11-17, 03:43
i can't imagine how you found a spot the size of a grain of sand. but even if it were testicle cancer it has a very very high cure rate. but stop worrying yourself over something the size of a grain of sand. you need to be more worried about that anxiety because thats going to do more damage than your testicles.

03-11-17, 12:13
I have an exact spot like that on the top of my right testicle too. I have had a testicular ultrasound and its just a normal part of the testicle. I don't have it on my left. Noticed it years ago.

03-11-17, 23:40
Thanks again for the posts, everyone.

Yep... Zoloft. I was on it for around 6 months for some depression after my 1st heart attack. I also was in 1 on 1 therapy. It was the crutch I needed until I got myself on my feet again.

Positive thoughts

That sound awful what you went through, hope you’re okay now.
I’ve heard there are a lot of side effects with them; did you experience any?

i can't imagine how you found a spot the size of a grain of sand. but even if it were testicle cancer it has a very very high cure rate. but stop worrying yourself over something the size of a grain of sand. you need to be more worried about that anxiety because thats going to do more damage than your testicles.

I’m not sure how I found it, just rigorous checking I guess :weep:

Good to know it has a high cure rate, I didn’t even dare to look that up.

I have an exact spot like that on the top of my right testicle too. I have had a testicular ultrasound and its just a normal part of the testicle. I don't have it on my left. Noticed it years ago.

That’s good to know both you and the gentleman who posted previously have a very similar spot.
If it’s any conciliation, there is a thin membrane surrounding the testicle called the tunica vaginalis (Doing a University module in human anatomy does no good for my health anxiety, clearly :roflmao: )
I’ve found I’m able to pinch this membrain together and manoeuvre the spot between the layer, and have found that the spot actually lifts away from the body of the testicle when I do so. So, the spot isn’t growing from within the testicle it’s self.
Maybe what you have is the same. Could be something called the appendix of the testis, or a calcified cyst called a

Unfortunately I’ve now noticed some pain and swelling, which is a well known sign for TC, which has spiked my anxiety yet again.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been continually prodding around for the last several days. (In fact, the GP that did my examination was pretty rigerous and it was a bit painful) I’ve ended ho hurting myself a couple of times doing it, I really must stop but it’s so incredibly difficult. I can’t wait for the OCD therapy people to ring me for my first appointment.

04-11-17, 05:13
Unfortunately I’ve now noticed some pain and swelling, which is a well known sign for TC, which has spiked my anxiety yet again. Maybe it’s because I’ve been continually prodding around for the last several days. (In fact, the GP that did my examination was pretty rigerous and it was a bit painful) I’ve ended ho hurting myself a couple of times doing it, I really must stop but it’s so incredibly difficult. I can’t wait for the OCD therapy people to ring me for my first appointment.

Maybe? :doh: It's good you recognize deep down this is mental opposed to physical. Glad to hear therapy is forthcoming :)

Positive thoughts

04-11-17, 08:45
I been in the situation of worrying about testicle cancer (as well as countless others) I been to GP lots of times since I thought I felt something old, in the last two years I had two testicles ultrasounds as both times been told these are cysts, I think the first time when I got referred under the two week rule, specialist sent me for an ultrasound just incase as he got not feel any lumps which the GP who I saw did