View Full Version : Hugs For American Members

01-11-17, 01:38
Hi all,

I'm sure we've all seen the news about today's terrorist attack in New York.

In times like this I think it is important to consider we may have members on here in New York, with family & friends in New York, maybe even those travelling or with loved ones travelling or those who become scared of being in such a terrible attack in the future because of where they live and all American citizens.

And also to those not members of this site who are going through all of this. We should think of them and send our support, love, compassion and best wishes to them in their hour of need.


01-11-17, 04:10
I feel like maybe a PTSD board would be a good idea here. Unfortunately I see a lot more people joining me in this :(

01-11-17, 13:06
Sending love and hugs to America. How terrible. :(

01-11-17, 13:15
:bighug1:all of you and god bless all the families involved xx

03-11-17, 02:25

Why are you being so rude? You've avoided reading the countless headlines all over google so avoid opening this thread. I understand depression can make it hard to hear about these events but they are real things and are happening.

I certainly care about the death of a stranger in such terrible circumstances as that stranger is someone's daughter or son. It's like saying how do you expect someone on the internet to care about half these threads but we do because it's the way some humans are.

Hugs to America.

03-11-17, 03:18
Atrocities are a part of like. They also are very real to many of us and cause a lot of damage and depression. I hope you are blessed enough to never have to experience one yourself so that you can go on making callous remarks to others.

03-11-17, 04:26
FYI - I've passed this thread to Admin for the same reasons as I did yesterday. The spirit of the thread is well wishes and to show solidarity to people worse off as well as to reassure NMP members that people do care about them in such times.

I would appreciate any discussion of politics, beliefs, etc to take place elsewhere. There are already threads on Misc about some of these issues.

Thanks for those showing support.

03-11-17, 04:34
Sending my hugs for my American mates.:bighug1::bighug1:

Terry there is always someone:winks:

03-11-17, 06:51
I have deleted the inappropriate post, I have had to edit a couple of responses as they quoted the removed post.

I hope that you understand why and do not take offence

03-11-17, 07:32
Thanks Elen :flowers:

03-11-17, 12:45
Sending big hugs to our friends and everyone in America:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:xxx

03-11-17, 13:03
Thank you for thinking of us over here :hugs: It's sad how common these acts are nowadays worldwide.